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Совершенствуй свой Английский Food idioms - Tea

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Food idioms - Tea.

Вы можете просмотреть этот урок, перейдя по этой ссылке:

 Food idioms - Tea

The Teacher describes (описывать) these idioms in this video:

It's not my cup of tea

I wouldn't do it for all the tea in China

It's as good as a chocolate teapot.

 Hello, I’m a very interesting and intelligent (умный) man. And today, this tea and I will teach you 
some idioms in English. I bet (спорим) you’ve never been taught by some tea before. I love tea. Of course I do, I’m an Englishman. What’s this? It isn't my cup of tea! (это мне не нравится)
In English, if there’s something we don’t like very much for example a sport or a type of music, we can say ‘it's not my cup of tea’. It’s not my cup of tea.

Please turn that down (сделайте потише). Jazz really isn’t my cup of tea (джаз мне не очень нравится).
And now… Time for a geography lesson (урок географии). China is an extremely large country (очень большая страна)Can you imagine how much tea there is in China? A lot. Now, lucky you. Today I’m going to do anything at all that you ask. So, come on… Well, I wouldn’t do that for all the tea in China (я не буду делать этого ни за какие коврижки).
In English, if there is something we would never do (мы бы никогда не сделали), we can say ‘I wouldn’t do it for all the tea in China’. I wouldn’t do it for all the tea in China.

It means (это означает) there is nothing, not even something worth a great deal (стоит того) that could persuade (убеждать) you. I can’t believe (не могу поверить) you asked me to…to do that. 
Tea is hot. Well, apart from iced tea (холодный чай)And where do we make tea? That’s right. In a teapot (чайник) So, as tea is very hot, what do you think is a good material (материал) for a teapot? Porcelain (фарфоровый) yes, glass (стеклянный) yes, metal ok, chocolate… NO! A chocolate teapot (чайник из шоколада) would be completely useless (бесполезный)In English, if something is completely useless, we can say ‘it’s as good as a chocolate teapot’ (так же полезен как и шоколадный чайник)It’s as good as a chocolate teapot. What’s that you say? You say these lessons are as good as a chocolate teapot? I don’t know. I work so hard for you and no-one seems to understand me. Quite sad really.


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Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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