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Совершенствуй свой Английский Fast Food

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему  Fast Food.

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   Fast Food 

Mike: Hi, this is Mike from Singapore and I'm talking to Clare from America about obesity (тучность, ожирение) and food in our respective countries. So Clare, what about America? What makes it so infamous (имеющий дурную репутацию) for having food that are very, very so called "unhealthy"?

Clare: Well, in America we were the country that invented (изобретать, придумывать) the fast food chain (цепь ресторанов быстрого питания), I think. There are very many famous fast food chains that got their start in America and they became popular (популярный) because Americans were working very long hours in the cities and in small towns and it was a lot easier, it was very new, to have a convenient meal (удобная, находящаяся рядом) ready for you. Well unfortunately these meals were not prepared (быть приготовленным) in a way that was healthy. There was very little veggies (вегетарианец), I mean french fries (картошка фри) are fried (жареная) potatoes, burgers are fried, so the way they're cooked it ... they're made quickly but they're not made in a way that's healthy, there's no boiling (варить) or steaming (варить на пару) so ... because these chains (сети) had a very good product being offered (предлагать) in one respect, that they were fast and easy and convenient to get to, while on the down side (минусы) they were very fattening (ведущий к ожирению), people sort of just chose (выбирали) what was convenient I think, and there are so many of them because they really are popular. It's sort of a cycle (цикл, круговой процесс) where even though people know it's bad they choose it because it's convenient and because it gets so much business more chains open in a city or along roads because Americans have ... travel very long distances (перемещаться на большие расстояния) for commuting (ездить на работу из пригорода) to get almost anywhere. For example, where I live in Texas, along the road very small towns separated by miles and miles of desert (пустыня), every small town where highways (автомагистрали) come together have at least one burger joint (точка, где продают бургеры) or ice cream place that serves (подавать) burgers and fries and so it's a little bit of, I wouldn't call it American culture, its just sort of what we got used to (привыкать).


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Суббота:    12.00-13.30

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