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Совершенствуй свой Английский Best (Foreign) City

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Best (Foreign) City

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Best (Foreign) City 

Katia, Mexico
My favorite city, I would have to say that is New York. It's very lively (замечательный, живописный). There's always things happening. It's very young city, a lot of culture, a lot of shows. Nature, there's also nature, and the buildings. It just gives you a certain feeling that I really enjoy so I would say New York City is my favorite (любимый) city.

Tom, United Kingdom
Bangkok is my favorite city, not so much for the city itself but because there are so many places around Bangkok within easy reach of a day trip (до которых легко можно добраться в течение дня) and a visit. It's a great place to base yourself. The weather's fantastic. The food is amazing (удивительная), and there's just a lot going on.

Lia, Indonesia
My favorite city would be Singapore because it's close from my home country and it has a lot of beautiful places, good department stores (хорошие магазины). It's very beautiful and they have a very strict rules (строгие правила) like you cannot throw rubbish or garbage (выбрасывать мусор) everything in other places so it's very beautiful and the people are very nice. Actually, they can speak English and Chinese so it's a very good place.

Todd, United States
My favorite city hands down (легко, без усилий) has got to be Barcelona, Spain. Now, it's a long time since I was there, but when I was there, it just really had everything. It has great architecture (архитектура), nice people, really good weather, great food. It has a very strong culture. The city has a very strong identity (своеобразие). It's on the sea. It's just great, like it's hard to think of anything bad about it except (за исключением) maybe it's a little expensive.

Crystal, United States
My favorite city has to be Seoul, Korea. I've been there about like five times already and the people are just amazing. Like the people there are just so rough (грубые) and so mean (подлые) and just so aggressive. I don't know, it's so much fun to be there I think because of the people.

Jess, United Kingdom
My favorite city would be Paris. I lived very near Paris for about three months,and went to Paris every weekend for sightseeing (посмотреть на достопримечательности) and going out (выйти прогуляться) in the evenings, and it's just fabulous (сказочный) spending all day walking around the city looking at the architecture, going to art galleries, and then at night, the restaurants and the wine was fantastic and then night clubbing on Saturday nights, so yeah, I think it's a fabulous city. 


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