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Совершенствуй свой Английский Have you ever been in a natural disaster?

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Have you ever been in a natural disaster?.

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 Have you ever been in a natural disaster?

Tom, U.K.
I was in a typhoon (тайфун) in Hong Kong, and I just arrived with a big heavy backpack (тяжелый рюкзак), and I had to hide (спрятаться) in a telephone box while the street flooded (улицу затопило) and the water came up (подымалась) around me.

Jess, U.K.
Natural disaster (стихийные бедствия)? No, I haven't been in a natural disaster. Unfortunately (к несчастью) I was very close to a bomb which went off (взрываться) in Manchester when I was about sixteen years old, which was quite scary (жутко, ужасно), but probably not as scary as a tsunami (цунами) or a typhoon or something.

George, U.S.
Oh, yes, yes. I have been in a natural disaster. I forget what year but Hurricane (ураган, тропический циклон) Yuniki in Hawaii, but I lived on Ohau so we got the eye of the hurricane (внутри урагана) so it wasn't like harsh (жестоко, сурово) at all. In fact, I remember when it hit (ударять), I remember telling my parents, I wanted to go out (пойти на улицу) and fly a kite (запустить воздушного змея) because it looked so nice outside, so it wasn't really that bad of an experience (опыт) for me.

Pernais, Jamaica
Yes, I have. I've been in a fire. A really big one actually. It was just very scary (жутко, ужасно). There was just smoke (дым) everywhere, and I couldn't see anything. My eyes were hurting (болели). I was choking (задыхаться), and I really thought I was going to die, but I was rescued (меня спас) by an old man passing by (проходил мимо).

Mike, Singapore
OK, have I been in a natural disaster? Well, I've actually seen one happen while I was driving, and this was along I think the coast (вдоль побережья). I think it's called the Pacific Ocean Highway, if I'm not wrong. Anyway, there was in December 2004 I think, it was ... there was a big landslide (обвал, оползень) during the raining season (сезон дождей) in Los Angeles, and while I was driving I actually saw it, and then I didn't know what was damaged (что было повреждено), but it was all over the news, and then it was bad.

Doron, U.K.
Yeah, actually, I was staying with friends in Norway and we were camping (жить в лагере) and we got hit by a blizzard (накрыла снежная буря) and it was really frightening (страшно), but luckily I was with some big Viking Norwegian (норвежские викинги) guys, and they knew exactly what to do, because I didn't. It was really ... you couldn't see anything. It was so white and the snow was so heavy and it actually hurt quite a lot, and it didn't help that it was absolutely freezing (было очень холодно, замерзало).

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) Who was in a storm? 
a) Tom
b) Jess
c) George
d) Pernais
f) Doron

2) Who was with other people besides themselves? 
a) Tom
b) Jess
c) George
d) Mike
f) Doron

3) Who was helped by someone else? 
a) Tom
b) Jess
c) Pernais
d) George
e) Doron

4) Who talks about disasters they were not in? 
a) Tom
b) Jess
c) George
d) Doron


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