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Fluent English - Issue 55.5 Halloween Special
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Intro · Vocabulary · Samhain Recipes · Idioms · Proverbs And Sayings · Tongue Twisters · Interesting · Collocations · Countries And Culture · Rack Your Brains · |
FLUENT ENGLISH Educational Project © 2004 | |
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ЭТА РАССЫЛКА... ...предназначена для всех желающих углубить свои знания языка международного общения. Она будет полезна как начинающим, так и продолжающим, а также просто интересующимся. Данная рассылка не является учебным пособием, предлагающим "знания по нарастающей", от простого к сложному. Содержание разнообразно и почти независимо от выпуска к выпуску, что имеет большое преимущество: вы можете начать с любого выпуска! Единственное "но": вы должны действительно читать и разбирать материал, а не просто просматривать рассылку. Только тогда ваши знания будут стремиться к fluent English. Рекомендуем также по ходу дела заглядывать в словарь, пользоваться сборниками упражнений и другими учебными пособиями. |
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HALLOWEEN TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT by Harry Behn Tonight is the night when dead leaves fly like witches on switches across the sky. When elf and sprite flit through the night on a moony sheen. Tonight is the night when leaves make a sound like a gnome in his home under the ground. When spooks and trolls creep out of the holes, all mossy and green. Tonight is the night when pumpkins stare through sheaves and leaves everywhere. When ghoul and ghost and goblin host dance round their Queen. IT'S HALLOWEEN!!! Have a happy and safe Halloween, dear readers! DON'T BE LAZY Этот выпуск не столько учебный, сколько познавательно-развлекательный, поэтому вам, уважаемые читатели, придется сегодня смириться с отсутствием "разжеванных" материалов и сдуть пыль со своих словарей. :-) WEBSITE NEWS http://www.fluent-english.ru AN INVITATION by Bobbi Katz Let's be spooky. Let's have fun! We'll scare ourselves before we're done with ghosts and goblins winds that howl Things that fly and things that prowl. We'll talk about such creepy stuff until we both get scared enough to hear things that we cannot see and see things that just cannot be. Let's be spooky you and me. NEW DOWNLOADS! The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (450 KB), Washington Irwing. На странице Downloads вы найдете еще много интересного! NEW SONGS! Song Under The Bridge (Red Hot Chili Peppers). Раздел Music World прекрасное сочетание приятного с полезным! Если вы только что подписались или по каким-либо другим причинам не видели предыдущих выпусков, настоятельно рекомендуем посетить сайт Проекта FLUENT ENGLISH, откуда вы всегда сможете скачать архив рассылки. Выпуски содержат массу полезной информации. Кроме того, на сайте вы найдете еще много интересного в разделах Shop, Links, Downloads, Tests, Fun, Music World и других. Заходите к нам почаще, мы вам всегда рады! |
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ИЗУЧЕНИЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ПО МЕТОДИКЕ АЛЕКСЕЯ ВИНИДИКТОВА Проект "Иностранные языки самостоятельно" (www.vinidiktov.ru). Проект "Сказочный курс английского языка" (www.vinidiktov.ru/wizoz). Программа для запоминания слов "Open Book" (www.vinidiktov.ru/openbook.htm). ENGLISH ONLINE / ИНТЕРНЕТ-РЕПЕТИТОРСТВО www.eng-line.com Предлагает обучение английскому тем, у кого много работы и мало времени! В дистанционном Интернет-курсе вы найдете тексты, надиктованные носителями языка, простое объяснение грамматики, закрепляющие упражнения и опытного репетитора, который поможет вам разобраться во всех тонкостях этого замечательного языка. ECTACO Русско-английские словари и переводчики Познакомьтесь с новым поколением лингвистических микрокомпьютеров! Эти совершенные системы распознают английскую и русскую речь и оснащены сенсорным экраном! Карманные русско-английские словари и переводчики компании Ectaco ваш надежный помощник в любой ситуации! Бесплатная доставка! FLUENT ENGLISH http://www.fluent-english.ru Расскажите о Проекте, сайте, рассылке и дискуссионной группе друзьям и знакомым, соседям и родственникам! Отправьте этот выпуск всем, кто может быть заинтересован в изучении английского языка! Теперь у вас есть возможность реализовать собственные идеи и принять участие в нашем проекте! Присоединяйтесь к F.E.Team! Подробную информацию о размещении рекламы на нашем сайте вы найдете здесь. |
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Автор раздела Андрей Кузнецов INTRO Автор рубрики Наталья Белинская IT'S HALLOWEEN It's Halloween! It's Halloween! The moon is full and bright. And we shall see what can't be seen on any other night: Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, Grinning goblins fighting duels, Werewolves rising from their tombs, Witches on their magic brooms. А теперь вопрос на засыпку: Halloween отмечать будем? А Samhain? Что, и то и другое? Вместе или по очереди? А может, сначала разобраться, о чем, собственно, речь? У древних кельтов Samhain (произносится [sow-in]) означало "зима". Причем год начинался первого ноября, т.е. в первый день... зимы. Поэтому в ночь с 31 октября на 1 ноября они праздновали и конец лета ("прародитель" слова Samhain, гаэльское слово samhraidhreadh, дословно означало "конец лета"), и начало зимы. Но зима у кельтов ассоциировалась со смертью (ничего удивительного: эти древние племена обитали отнюдь не на юге, а парового отопления, не говоря уж о кондиционерах, две тысячи лет назад не было даже в просвещенной Europe тем более, что ее самой еще не существовало). Поэтому жизнь должна была подвести итог года. "А судьи кто?" спросите, вслед за Грибоедовым, вы. Ясное дело: мир их богов, которые, по поверью, становились в эту ночь видимыми простым смертным, и даже мертвые восставали из своих могил, чтобы с высоты своего положения оценить дела живых... В общем, веселенькая была ночка. Правда, после распространения христианства новая религия жаждала переделать языческий мир, поэтому все языческие праздники отменили и... заменили новыми. Так, 1 ноября было объявлено Allhallows, или All Saints' Day, когда полагалось поминать всех святых и мучеников. А Halloween являлся кануном этого Дня всех святых, и, чтобы последний наступил, надо было отпугнуть всю нечисть, активно противодействующую его приходу. Короче говоря, все друг друга пугали. Bo-o-o! (Это по-английски!) ;-) Вот таким образом древнекельтский Самхейн (Соуин) плавно перешел в Хеллоуин, попал в Америку (возможно, приплыл с английскими колонистами на Mayflower) и затем, вместе с Jack O'Lantern (это не наш личный знакомый это знаменитый фонарь из тыквы), вновь вернулся в Европу, но уже обогащенный традицией trick or treat, аналог которой широко известен у славянских народов как "колядование". Таким образом, как видите, праздник этот в той или иной форме присутствовал у многих народов. Это и понятно: не бывает жизни без смерти, но последнее слово всегда остается за жизнью, и это радует. Но это так, галопом по европам. Подробности читайте в рубрике Countries And Culture на живом великоанглийском языке, а мы вам желаем happy holiday и дарим маленький подарочек: ужасно прекрасные и совершенно бесплатные screensavers for Halloween. up VOCABULARY doomsday надолго; навсегда This job's going to take me till doomsday. Эта работа займет у меня целую вечность. up SAMHAIN RECIPES Р-р-р-р-р!!! Самое время отведать чего-нибудь ужасно вкусного, страшно сладкого, кошмарно за-уши-не-оттянучего! TROLL SNOT, BUG & MUD PIE This recipe is simplicity itself, it looks disgusting, and the kids love it! Ingredients (for 6 people): 1 packet lime jelly; 2 packets rowntrees bursting bugs; 2 packets chocolate "Angel Delight"; white chocolate mice for decoration. Preparation: 1. Make up the jelly as instructed. When it's cooled but still liquid, add the bugs and leave it to set. 2. Once set, make up the "Angel Delight" with milk as per packet instructions, pile on tope of the troll snot and bug mixture, top with the mice and chill until serving. SAMHAIN MULLED CIDER Ingredients (for 8 people): 2 litres sweet apple cider; 1/2 litre fresh orange juice; 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg; 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon; 1/4 teaspoon ginger; cinnamon sticks and orange slices to float in the pot. Preparation: 1. In a large pan or cauldron combine the apple cider, orange juice, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Simmer slowly on low heat for about 15 minutes. Take care that the cider does not boil. 2. Add the cinnamon sticks and orange slices, and serve whilst still warm. You can refrigerate any leftover mulled cider, it's nice cold as well. DERBYSHIRE THAR CAKE Thar cake is a variation of the parkin recipe which is derived from an older, honey-sweetened oatbread. Parkin is associated more with Bonfire Night these days but it was eaten especially at Celtic festivals from 31 October to 11 November. Some people believe Thar cake to be the descendant of the Celtic bannock, cooked in honour of Samhain. Ingredients (for 8-10 people): 1 lb oatmeal; 1 lb plain flour; 1 lb demerara sugar; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon ground ginger; 3 table-spoons milk; 12 oz butter; 1 lb treacle; 2 eggs. Preparation: 1. You will need a baking-tin of around 19 cm x 24 cm x 5 cm, lined with baking parchment or greased greaseproof paper and have your oven set to a temperature of 180°C. 2. In a pan melt together the sugar, butter, milk and treacle. 3. Once melted, allow to cool, in a bowl mix the flour, oatmeal and spices together, pour on the melted and cooled sugary mixture, and stir until blended. 4. When blended, beat the two eggs in a separate bowl and add to the tharcake mix. You can add a pinch of salt, mace and nutmeg if you want to make it more gingery. 5. Cook at 180°C until springy to the touch about 1 1/2 2 hours. This cake is best made several days before and wrapped in greaseproof paper and stored in an airtight tin. This way it becomes wonderfully moist and the flavours mature making it taste divine! up IDIOMS as dead as a doornail мертвый, мертвец; мертвее не бывает He's as dead as a doornail. Он мертвец. doom(-)and(-)gloom чувство утраты всех надежд, пессимизм Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team. Несмотря на очевидные неудачи, не все так уж плохо для английской команды. По материалам Oxford University Press up PROVERBS AND SAYINGS One man's meat is another man's poison. Что русскому радость, то немцу смерть. Birds of a feather flock together. Дурак дурака... ой, рыбак рыбака видит издалека. :-) Better untaught than ill taught. Недоученный хуже неученого. Научи дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибет. up TONGUE TWISTERS Big black bugs bleed blue blood. up INTERESTING BUBBLING CAULDRON by William Shakespeare Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg and owlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. Cool it with a baboon's blood, Then the charm is firm and good. from Macbeth: IV.i. 10-19; 35-38 THE NIGHT OF HALLOWEEN by Sandi Vander Sluis and Corky Ferguson The Harvest moon fills the sky, A wicked witch goes flying by. Ghosts and goblins... skeletons too. Moaning and groaning, waiting for you. Black cats prowl the graveyard plots, Witches cook in cauldron pots. Cemetery ghouls roam the ground, Not one unopened grave is found. Tombstones are an eerie sight, Shadows dance in full moon light. The haunted house on the hill Walk in there, and you get a chill. Jack-o-lanterns' eyes're so bright, Trick-or-Treaters scream in fright. It's a time like you've never seen Tonight's the night of Halloween. up COLLOCATIONS Примеры предложений с интересными оборотами. Halloween is the time of ghosts, goblins, gravestones and graveyards. Хеллоуин время призраков, домовых, могильных камней и кладбищ. The next 15 minutes I sat scared as hell, not being able to understand anything. В течение следующих пятнадцати минут я сидел, обуянный ужасом, ничего не понимая. Please, folks, don't pronounce "Samhain" as "sha-mane", it's "sow-ain"! Народ, ну пожалуйста, не произносите "Samhain" как "ша-мэйн", это слово правильно произносится "соу-эйн"! up COUNTRIES AND CULTURE The Gaelic word Samhain, pronounced as [sow-in] in Ireland, or [sow-een] in Wales, or [sav-en] in Scotland, but not [sam-hain] like in the U.S., where they don't speak Gaelic, means literally "summer's end". Samhain is considered the Celtic New Year, and is the third and final Harvest, taking place in. So, the name actually means "End of Summer", with the dark winter half of the year (the half of the Year ruled by the Holly King rather than the Oak King who rules the Light Half of the Year) commencing on this holiday. Various other names for it are Day of the Dead, Third Harvest, Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), Samana, Vigil of Saman, Shadowfest (Strega), Samhuinn, Halloween or All Hallows' Eve. Samhain is an ancient festival with roots as far back as ancient Egypt. Celebrations keyed to the end of the harvest, the shortening days and coming of winter, have long been in existence in various cultures. The circle of birth, death and rebirth has been linked to the seasons and the harvest in many cultures; as documented in folklore sources such as The Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer. Since ancient times in the Celtic culture, October 31 has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, and also the day that marks the new year. This time of the year marked the beginning of the cold, lean months to come; the flocks were brought in from the fields to live in sheds until spring. Some animals were slaughtered, and the meat preserved to provide food for winter. The last gathering of crops was known as "Harvest Home," celebrated with fairs and festivals. This was the time that cattle and other livestock were slaughtered for eating in the ensuing winter months (the symbolic death of the Corn King being reminiscent of this). Any crops still in the field on Samhain were considered taboo, and left as offerings to the Nature spirits. Bonfires were built, (originally called bone-fires, for after feasting, the bones were thrown in the fire as offerings for healthy and plentiful livestock in the New Year) and the country folk would often ritually jump them. In addition to its agricultural significance, the ancient Celts also saw Samhain as a very spiritual time. October 31 is exactly between the Autumnal Equinox (September 20) and the Winter Solstice (December 21), and was considered a very potent time for magic and communion with spirits. The "veil between the worlds" of the living and the dead was said to be at its thinnest on this day; so the dead were invited to return to feast with their loved ones; welcomed in from the cold, much as the animals were brought inside. Extra places were set at the table and food set out for any who had died that year. Ancient customs range from such placing food out for dead ancestors, to performing rituals for communicating with those who had passed over. Originally this "Feast of the Dead" was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the "wandering dead". Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Turnips (and latterly Pumpkins) were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos. Many folks used to leave Turnip Lanterns at local crossroads, carved with gruesome faces in the hopes that the faces would dissuade those unfriendly entities from following them back home. When the Romans conquered Britain, some of these customs of the Druids were combined with Roman practice, which observed November 1 as Samhain, or summer's end. On the eve of Samhain, evil spirits were thought to be unleashed to create havoc and mischief on earth. In order to keep these evil spirits away, the Roman Celts would put on frightening costumes made of animal skins, therefore insuring a happy observance on November 1. In addition, the Roman festival of Pomona, the goddess of fruit and nuts, was also observed in Britain at this time of year when the harvest was complete and storehouses were ready for winter. When Christianity spread throughout the empire of Rome, it condemned the old gods and goddesses, but often assimilated local customs into the faith. Given the Christian association of All Saints with the departed, it was not unnatural that many of the old Druid and Roman customs would continue in slightly altered form throughout Britain. Fires were lit on Halloween in honor of the Christians departed. Prayers and gifts were offered in the churches and for the repose of the souls of the recent dead. Graves were visited, and the dead were generally on the minds of all as preparations were made for All Saints. While sounding moribund, Christian-influenced Halloween actually remained a time of fun and gaiety. On British Isles there are a lot of legends associated with Halloween. One tradition tells the story of St. Patrick, bishop of Ireland, being put to sleep by a fairy on Halloween. Another tells of a stingy man named Jack who was barred from heaven for his sins and even from hell because of his practical jokes on the devil, so that he was condemned to walk the earth with a lantern until Judgment Day that lantern being called a Jack O'Lantern. up RACK YOUR BRAINS SAMHAIN FUNNY TESTS To check your answer, just select the hidden text. Improve your knowledge on... ...VAMPIRES 1. Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist? start selection >>> To improve his bite. <<< end selection 2. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? start selection >>> Frostbite. <<< end selection 3. What is a vampire's favourite sport? start selection >>> Casketball. <<< end selection 4. What is a vampire's favourite holiday? start selection >>> Fangsgiving. <<< end selection 5. Why did the vampire subscribe to the Wall Street Journal? start selection >>> He heard it had great circulation. <<< end selection 6. What's a vampire's favourite fast food? start selection >>> A guy with very high blood pressure. <<< end selection 7. Why do vampires need mouthwash? start selection >>> They have bat breath. <<< end selection 8. What does a vampire never order at a restaurant? start selection >>> A stake sandwich. <<< end selection 9. What type of dog do vampires like the best? start selection >>> Bloodhounds. <<< end selection 10. What is a vampire's favourite mode of transportation? start selection >>> A blood vessel. <<< end selection 11. What did Dracula say when he kissed his vampire girlfriend? start selection >>> Ouch! <<< end selection 12. What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a vampire? start selection >>> A fur coat that fangs around your neck. <<< end selection 13. Why wasn't the vampire working? start selection >>> He was on a coffinbreak. <<< end selection 14. Why did the vampires cancel their baseball game? start selection >>> They couldn't find their bats. <<< end selection 15. Why isn't Dracula invited to many Halloween parties? start selection >>> Because he's a pain in the neck. <<< end selection ...WITCHES 1. Why do witches use brooms to fly on? start selection >>> Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy. <<< end selection 2. How do witches keep their hair in place while flying? start selection >>> With scare spray. <<< end selection 3. How do you tell twin witches apart? start selection >>> You can't tell which witch is which. <<< end selection 4. When a witch lands after flying, where does she park? start selection >>> The broom closet. <<< end selection 5. Why was the witch kicked out of witching school? start selection >>> Because she flunked spelling. <<< end selection 6. Why was the witch's cat giggling? start selection >>> Because it was a giggle puss. <<< end selection 7. What was the witch's favourite subject in school? start selection >>> Spelling. <<< end selection 8. What is the official witch motto? start selection >>> "We came, we saw, we conjured!" <<< end selection 9. How do witches lose weight? start selection >>> They join weight witches! <<< end selection 10. Who turns the lights off at Halloween? start selection >>> The light witch! <<< end selection 11. What do you call two witches who share a broom stick? start selection >>> Broom mates! <<< end selection ...GHOSTS, ZOMBIES, SKELETONS AND SO ON 1. Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? start selection >>> No, they eat the fingers separately. <<< end selection 2. Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends? start selection >>> They're so wrapped up in themselves. <<< end selection 3. What kind of streets do zombies like the best? start selection >>> Dead ends. <<< end selection 4. What's a skeleton's favourite musical instrument? start selection >>> A trombone. <<< end selection 5. What is a ghost's favourite mode of transportation? start selection >>> A scareplane. <<< end selection 6. Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road? start selection >>> He had no guts. <<< end selection 7. What did the mother ghost say to her son? start selection >>> Don't spook unless you are spooken to. <<< end selection 8. What do ghosts use to wash their hair? start selection >>> Sham-boo. <<< end selection 9. Why did the ghost pick his nose? start selection >>> Because he had boogers. <<< end selection 10. What do skeletons say before eating? start selection >>> Bone appetit! <<< end selection 11. What does a child monster call his parents? start selection >>> Mummy and Deady. <<< end selection 12. Where do fashionable ghosts shop for sheets? start selection >>> At boo-tiques. <<< end selection 13. What do you call a dead chicken that likes to scare people? start selection >>> A poultrygeist. <<< end selection 14. Why can't skeleton play music in church? start selection >>> Because he has no organs. <<< end selection 15. What did the mummy say to the detective? start selection >>> Let's wrap this case up! <<< end selection 16. Why did the skeleton climb a tree? start selection >>> Because a dog was after its bones. <<< end selection 17. What do ghosts serve for dessert? start selection >>> Ice Scream. <<< end selection 18. What do you call a friendly dead Egyptian? start selection >>> A chummy mummy. <<< end selection 19. What do you call a skeleton who won't work? start selection >>> Lazy bones. <<< end selection 20. Where do baby ghosts go during the day? start selection >>> Dayscare centres. <<< end selection |
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Sergey Sirotkin,
freelance translator Special thanks to Natalya Belinskaya for proofreading. We wish you every success in experiencing English! |
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