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Сегодня мы рассмотрим некоторые (далеко не все) случаи употребления слов amuse и amusing, приведем примеры, когда лучше их использовать, а когда стоит заменить на другие слова.
Неправильно: I made a lot of new friends during my stay in England and amused myself a lot.
Правильно: I made a lot of new friends during my stay in England and really enjoyedmyself.
amuse yourself = делать что-либо, чтобы уберечь себя от скуки
Например: 'Can't you find something to do to amuse yourself?'
'With a pencil or two and a few sheets of paper, young children can amuse themselves for hours.'
enjoy yourself = приятно проводить время: 'The party was a huge success and all the guests enjoyed themselves.'
Неправильно: The last three years have been the most amusing years of my life.
Правильно: The last three years have been the most enjoyable years of my life.
amusing = побуждающий смеяться или улыбаться: 'The speaker was clearly embarrassed when the microphone stopped working, but the audience found the situation very amusing.'
'I don't see anything amusing about finding a snake in your tent in the middle of the night.'
enjoyable = вызывающий приятные ощущения, радость, счастье: 'It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.' 'Exercise may be hard work, but it can also be enjoyable.'
Неправильно: Most visitors find the museum extremely amusing.
Правильно: Most visitors find the museum extremely interesting.
То, что удерживает внимание и побуждает узнавать больше, - interesting (НЕ amusing): 'The most interesting thing about the dinosaurs is their sudden disappearance.'
'His plan for raising more money sounds interesting but I'm not sure it'll work.'