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О конкурсе переводов в разделе "ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ":

Цель конкурса: определить лучший перевод отрывка из произведения Вудхауза.

Приз конкурса: Сборник Аудиокниг на английском. А Damsel in Disrtress, Jeeves and the, Feudal Spirit, Piccadilly Jim, Psmith in the City, Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves, Thank you, Jeeves. 41 час 33 минуты!

Определение призеров конкурса производится два раза в месяц. Затем выкладывается новый отрывок и публикуются варианты перевода предыдущего, включая вариант победителя и литературный перевод (уже опубликованный в печатных изданиях).

Конкурс первый: 16.07.2001 - 29.07.2001.

Отрывок для перевода:

The Efficient Baxter dogged him the whole way, sprinting silently in his wake and dodging into the shadows whenever the light of an occasional electric bulb made it inadvisable to keep to the open. Then abruptly he gave up the pursuit. For the first time his comparative impotence in this silent conflict on which he had embarked was made manifest to him, and he perceived that on mere suspicion, however strong, he could do nothing. To accuse Mr. Peters of theft or to accuse him of being accessory to a theft was out of the question.

Yet his whole being revolted at the thought of allowing the sanctity of the museum to be violated. Officially its contents belonged to Lord Emsworth, but ever since his connection with the castle he had been put in charge of them, and he had come to look on them as his own property. If he was only a collector by proxy he had, nevertheless, the collector's devotion to his curios, beside which the lioness' attachment to her cubs is tepid; and he was prepared to do anything to retain in his possession a scarab toward which he already entertained the feelings of a life proprietor.

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