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Обучение английскому языку

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Новости Интернет-справочника "Английский язык":

Новое в разделе "АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ТРАДИЦИИ"!

There are only six public holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go in to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday.

In Scotland, the New Year's Day is also a public holiday. Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though it would be right to say that for the greater part of the population they have long lost their religious significance and simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.

All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day observed on December 25th and 26th respectively, are movable, that is they do not fall on the same day each year. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the first Sunday after a full moon on or after March 21st. The Spring Bank Holiday falls on the last Monday of May or on the first Monday of June, while the Late Summer Bank Holiday comes on the last Monday in August or on the first Monday in September, depending on which of the Mondays is nearer to June 1st and September 1st respectively.

Besides public holidays, there are other holidays, anniversaries and simply days, for example Pancake Day and Bonfire Night, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days.


I'll be your sweetheart, if you will be mine,
All of my life I'll be your Valentine:

It's here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment. And the quick, slick, modern way to do it is with a Valentine card.

There are all kinds, to suit all tastes, the lush satin cushions, boxed and be-ribboned, the entwined hearts, gold arrows, roses, cupids, doggerel rhymes, sick sentimental and sickly sentimentality - it's all there. The publishers made sure it was there, as Mr. Punch complained, "three weeks in advance!" Punch is the hero of a traditional puppet play, a violent, pugnacious, hilarious rascal, hunchbacked, hook-nosed, gaily dressed, who uses a stout cudgel to overcome all his enemies in succession. The title of an English weekly humorous journal Punch founded in 1841.

In his magazine, Punch, as long ago as 1880 he pointed out that no sooner was the avalanche of Christmas cards swept away than the publishers began to fill the shops with their novel valentines, full of "Hearts and Darts, Loves and Doves and Floating fays and Flowers."

It must have been one of these cards which Charles Dickens describes in Pickwick Papers. It was "a highly coloured representation of the couple of human hearts skewered together with an arrow, cooking before a cheerful fire" and "superintending the cooking" was a highly indelicate young gentleman in a pair of wings and northing else."

In the last century, sweethearts of both sexes would spend hours fashioning a home-made card or present. The results of some of those painstaking efforts are still preserved in museums. Lace, ribbon, wild flowers, coloured paper, feathers and shells, all were brought into use. If the aspiring (or perspiring) lover had difficulty in thinking up a message or rhyme there was help at hand. He could did into The Quiver of Love or St. Valentine's Sentimental Writer, these books giving varied selections to suit everyone's choice. Sam Weller, of Pickwick Papers fame, took an hour and a half to write his "Valentine", with much blotting and crossing out and warnings from his father not to descend to poetry.

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