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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No17 (75) от 2009-04-25
Подписчиков: 1453 чел.

41. A friend of mine came to stay with me.
42. The American Congress consists of (the Senate and the House of Representatives.
43. The first president to live in the White House was John Adams.                     
44. What's the real name of Mark Twain?
b. Samuel Langhorne Clemens          
45. "To be, or not to be, that is the question..."
a. Hamlet                             
46. When did the Americans declare their independence?- in 1776.
47. - What's the news? - Very much the same

Все ответы просто запомнить.

А теперь будьте внимательны к следующим примерам.
 “I have enjoyed the match greatly,” said Tom.
 Tom said that he had enjoyed the match greatly.
 Ben said to Dick, “ Have you seen this film?”
 Ben asked Dick if he had seen that film.
 Итак,  Present Perfect заменяем Past Perfect
This film-  that film.
 В дальнейшем нам пригодится знание таких замен.
 Yesterday- the day before.
 The day before yesterday- two days before
 Ago- before
 Tomorrow- the next day
 The day after tomorrow – two days later
Next week- the folowing week.

Новые задания.
48. - Can I help you?  c. That’s very sweet of you.
a. It's very good.  d. True.
b. With pleasure.
49. - It's nice to see you again. - ... .
a. Me too.                           c. I, too.
b. Nice to see you, too.         d. Sure?
50. - Have a nice weekend. — ....
a. Thank you. All right.                     c. That's OK.
b. Thank you. The same to you.         d. I'll have.

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