Выпуск No15 (73) от 2009-04-15 Подписчиков: 1444 чел.
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I. Shigechiyo Izumi walked forward to greet us.He was bent almost
double, with watery eyes, white beard and deeply wrinkles skin. Yet his
mind is still vigorous. He could remember both his childhood
more than 100 years ago and the people he met the day best important,
he still enjoys life which, he says, has never ceased to be a
pleasure. Surprisingly, his eyesight is still functional. He also hears
well although it is necessary to speak loudly and distinctly.
II. All his life Izumi has worked as a
small farmer. He says that
The motonous life is good. Why has he lived so long? Clearly his zest
for life has helped. But his physical fitness as a young man and his
diet throughout life are probably the key. As a young man
Izumi fit. He was a local champion in sumo wrestling. But he
did not have to train specially. His fitness came through
hard work on the farm and tasks such as carrying potatoes to
market on his back. Such exercise is now known to be very effective in
lowering harmful of cholesterol in the blood.
III. As for diet, for most of his life
Izumi has lived on vegetables
his farm - potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, tomato, cucumber,
carrots and cabbage. Izumi ate meat only on festival days.
There was,anyway , little meat to be had and his simple, largely
vegetarian, diet changed little during his first 100 years.
IV. Anyway, Izumi's age is only the spectacular peak of a trend towards
longevity in Japan. The life expectancy of the Japanese has risen by
eight years since 1960. It is now the highest in the world: 74 men, 80
for women. This compares with UK figures of 71 for men and 77 for
women. The Japanese now live longer on average than people in Sweden,
Canada, Iceland and France, which formerly led the world in
longevity. The reason for Japan's improvement is almost certainly a low
incidence of coronary heart disease.
V. Izumi himself does not like to be asked what the secret is of his
longevity. He feels that he just happens to have had a long life
and there is no special reason for it. Pressed for an answer
he says: “Only God knows. God will decide how long I am here."
Прочитав текст, выберите вариант ответа.
A\4l. The article mainly deals with the problem of...
1) why people in Japan should try to live
longer lives.
2) what people in Japan live longer lives
3) what helps people in Japan to live
longer lives.
А42. One can conclude from the article that Shigechiyo Izumn
1) must be older than 107 years old.
2) can be about 120 years old.
3) can hardly be older than 100 years old.
A43. The secret of Shigechiyo Izumi's longevity most probably,
1) the peculiarities of his environment.
2) the combination of diet and active
3) his religious beliefs and attitude to
A44. Shigechiyo Izumi's example seems to reflect
1) the changes in Japanese eating habits.
2) the importance of monotonous life.
3) the overall growth of life expectancy
in the country.
A45. A low incidence of coronary heart disease is
1) a most probable reason for longevity
in Japan.
2) a probable reason for longevity in
3) a less probable reason for longevity
in Japan.
Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте.
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А46. zest (П)
1) interest
2) intuition
3) intention
А47. formerly (IV)
1) fortunately
2) previously
3) actively
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А48. Yet his mind is still vigorous (I).
1) Тем не менее, его разум еще полон силы.
2) Но его рассудок все еще абсолютно ясен.
3) Тем не менее, его ум еще не вполне силен.
А 49. His fitness came through hard work on the farm (П),
\) Его фитнес пришел через упорную работу на ферме.
2) Его выносливость пришла от тяжелой
работы на ферме.
3) Его выносливость - результат тяжкого
фермерского труда.
А50He feels that he just happens to have had a long life... (V)
1\) Он чувствует, что ему просто случилось прожить долгую
2) Он считает, что ему просто повезло
прожить долгую
3) Он считает, что он просто счастливый,
потому что про-
жил долго.
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