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В выпуске- Future Simple.

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No14 (15) от 2008-04-12
Подписчиков: 1025 чел.

 Начнем с проверки результатов ваших стараний.

1.    He says his train leaves  at 8 a.m. He's packing his things at
the moment.
2. The baby is crying because it is hungry now.
3. The first person who  crosses  the finishing line is the winner.
4. Mathematics is hard. I do not understand it.
 5. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays the piano very well.
6. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed at him.
7.  We feel sorry for Sam because he has not got any friends.
8. Poor people need help from the government.

В данном случае артикль не нужен. Мы просто видим слова Poor people- бедные люди.
9. The government should help  the poor.
В этом примере надо употребить  определенный артикль.

Напоминаю правило из учебника, которое вы читали в предыдущем выпуске.
 the rich, the poor, the old, the young, the blind-слепые, the deaf -глухие, the sick- больные, the dead, the disabled-нетрудоспособные,
the unemployed, the injured-покалеченные.

Обратите внимание, что все эти слова во множественном числе.
That man over there is collecting money for the blind. ( для слепых).

Вот и пришла пора  научиться употреблять глаголы в  Future Simple.

При изучении Present Continuous мы узнали, что для выражения личных планов на будущее нужно поставить глагол в Present Continuous.
 Но мы  часто говорим просто о каких-то предполагаемых событиях в будущем. И тогда  -  Future Simple.
 Строчки из учебника.

We use WILL DO when we decide to do something at the time of speaking.
Oh, I left the door open. I'll go and shut it.
 What would you like  to drink? I'll have a limonade, please.

will not = won't
We often use 'I THINK I'LL or I DON'T THINK I'LL ...' when we  decide  to do something.
I think I'll stay at home this evening. I  don't  think  I'll  go  out tonight. I'm too tired.

That bag looks heavy. I'll help you with it.
I need some money. Don't worry. I'll lend you some.

We often use WILL with these words and expressions:
I'll probably be a bit late this evening.
I'M SURE.   You must meet Ann. I'm sure you'll like her.
I EXPECT. I expect Carol will get the job.
I THINK. Do you think we'll win the match?
 Думаю, что кого-то смущает Will после I и  We.  В старых учебниках вы найдете  строгое утверждение, что с первым лицом надо Shall. Но сегодня это правило уже не работает. Хотя есть случаи, когда shall обязательно. Но об этих случаях в другой раз.
А теперь новые задания.
At weekends the sportive father ...his younger son ... to the gym.
1.    makes, to go.
2.     made,went,
3.    makes,go
4.    made,gone
 I see you have no idea what   ... about.
1) I talking             3) I'm talking
2) do I talk             4) I'm talk

I always buy lottery tickets but I never ... anything.
1) winning             3) win
2)have winned        4) am winning

It’s raining. I hope you ...  your car outside.
a) won’t repair, b) do not repair, c) did not repair, d) were not repaired.
Susan was as quiet as... mouse, don't you think?
1)a                3)-
2) the                 4) an

 It  happens sometimes that parents tell the children off without    ...   reason.
1.some, 2 any, 3, no, 4 none.

My mother had ....terrible headache so I asked  my brother to stop playing ...guitar.
 1. a/a      2. a/the,     3. -   /the,    4 the  /a
 Определите тему, к которой относится данный  ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.
Review, exposition, visitor, canvas, guide
1/ Science,    2/ art   3/ sport  

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