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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No11 (12) от 2008-03-29
Подписчиков: 1003 чел.

  Здравствуйте! Надеюсь, что у вас хорошее настроение.

1. Do we have  any bread left?
2. There is  nothing interesting at his exhibition.
3. We know them very well, and both Peter and Nell  know   us.
Them- их. us- нас.
4. A friend of  yours came to see me yesterday.

Почему yours?

 Вот строчки из учебника.
A friend of mine is coming to stay with me next week.
It was a good suggestion of yours to go swimming this afternoon.

We also say  A FRIEND OF Tom’s, a friend of my brother’s.
 It was a good idea of Tom’s to go swimming.
Постарайтесь запомнить эти примеры.

5.If you have  many friends you  probably  have little time.
Продолжаем проверку.

1.Television has many advantages. It keeps  us informed about the latest news, and also provides entertainment at home.

2. Excuse me, do you speak English?  I am looking  for a hotel.
Я ищу отель. И обратите внимание на предлог for после look.
 Look for- искать. Look at- смотреть на…

3. In the past people lived in   harmony with the environment.

4. When  they arrived  at the station, they rushed to the platform not to miss the train.

Строчки из учебника.
We say ARRIVE IN a country or town. When did you arrive in Britain/ London?
We say ARRIVE AT with other places or events.

What time did he arrive AT SCHOOL/ AT WORK/ AT THE HOTEL/ AT THE PARTY.

When did he arrive home?

Someone is calling you. Will you answer the phone?

Надеюсь, что вы сделали все задания без ошибок. Если ошибки есть, надо еще раз вернуться к предыдущим выпускам и все повторить.

 А пока давайте посмотрим еще несколько предложений,  в которых глаголы могут быть в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1.Where .../your father/come/ from? He .../come/ from Scotland.
 2.If you need money, why.../you/ not/ get/ a job?

3.I .../play / the piano, but I .../not/play/ very well.
4.I.../not/belong/ to a political party.
 5.Hurry! The bus .../come./  I .../not/  want/  to  miss  it.
6.The   river    Nile ...\flow/ into the Mediterranean. The river .../flow/ very fast today - much faster than usual.

7..../it  ever/  snow/  in India/?
We usually .../grow/ vegetables in our garden  but  this year we .../not/ grow/ any.
8.Can you drive?-No, but I .../learn/. My father .../teach/ me.

9.You can borrow my umbrella. I .../not/ need/ it at the moment.
10.We .../have/ a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 11.I...\not/go/ away for my holidays next month because  I haven't got enough money. ... /you/go/ away?
 12.George, is it true that you ... /get/ married next week/.
13. The concert this evening ... /start/at 7.30.
14. The art exhibition ... /open/ on 3May and ... /finish/ on  July.
Задания становятся все сложнее. Но я уверена, что вы справитесь.
А теперь – артикли.
Someone who saw ....robery called the police.
...old, ...sick, ...unemployed need oue special care.
Who was the first astonaut who landed on ....Moon?
 What happened at the end of the film? – I am sorry to say, but I haven’t seen....film.
 Удачи вам!

 Если вы  сделали ошибку, почитали правило, но так и не поняли, вы можете написать мне, и спросить. Точно формулируйте вопрос, напишите предложение, в котором сделана ошибка и укажите, что вам не понятно. Я отвечу.

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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