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Why is my new love ignoring me?

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  1. Их способность ускользнуть даже от самой быстрой мухобойки приводит нас в бешенство.
  2. Насекомые могут запланировать и выполнить аварийный взлет всего лишь за пятую часть секунды.
  3. Они могут распознать угрозу и поставить ножки чтобы отпрыгнуть в самом безопасном направлении.

Сегодняшняя статья (вернее письмо в редакцию к relationship expert):

Why is my new love ignoring me?

Dear Flirt Diva,
For three months I had a big email flirtation with a man. We've met up three times since then and each date has been amazing.

amazing - удивительный, потрясающий

The last time we spoke, I called him and we chatted for like an hour on the phone. He was really sweet and said "lets keep emailing and calling".

sweet - милый, ласковый

Then I sat on my phone and to my horror it sent him 30 blank text messages. So I sent him an apology and another two funny emails after that but nothing....

Потом я села на телефон..
horror - ужас
apology - извинение
funny - смешной, с юмором

I know it's over but what a jerk because of a phone malfunction! Is there anything I can do to save the situation or win him back? Anything? Should I call him in a month or so?

it's over - все кончено
jerk - 1 резкое движение, 2 идиот
malfunction - a fault in the way a machine or part of someone's body works:
a malfunction in one of the engines ( неисправность, неправильная работа)
win somebody/something back [phrasal verb] - to succeed in getting back something or someone that you had before:
How can I win back her trust? (вернуть себе)

Flirt Diva says,
One question. Is he married? Just a thought. If he's not, he sounds like a bit of a nutter. A friend would simply send you back a text back, saying, 'Oi, text malfunction, sort it out!' The fact that he ignored it suggests maybe there are other problems?

sound - if something or someone sounds good, bad, strange etc, that is how they seem to you when you hear about them or read about them
$80 sounds about right for a decent hotel room. (казаться)
nutter - [British English informal] a crazy person [= idiot]:
an absolute nutter
sort something/somebody out - [phrasal verb] [ especially British English] to successfully deal with a problem or difficult situation:
She went to a psychiatrist to try to sort out her problems. (решить проблему)
suggest - означать

However, technology may be letting you down right now. Originally he said, 'let's email and keep calling', so here's my suggestion (if you still want to give him the benefit of the doubt that is) – you've already tried texting, you've emailed, so why not try pick up the phone and try calling – put him on the spot, ask was there a problem.

let somebody down - подводить (встречается в каждой третьей песне)
originally - сначала, изначально
suggestion - совет, предложение
benefit - преимущество, выгода
doubt - сомнение
pick up - поднять
put somebody on the spot - to deliberately ask someone a question that is difficult or embarrassing to answer (ставить в затруднительное положение)

There's no point in waiting a month – do it now. But be prepared for him not to pick up in which case you'll have to have a voicemail message all clear in your head ready to go.
I'm sure you could pull that off. Or, if that seems a bit brazen, do you know his postal address? If so a handwritten letter would have all the charm in the world. Especially if it suggests a good old face to face catch up over drinks?

pull something off - [informal] to succeed in doing something difficult:
The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.
brazen - наглый, безстыдный
catch up - to spend time finding out what has been happening while you have been away or during the time you have not seen someone
When I got home I phoned Jo to catch up on all the gossip.

But to be honest, it does all sound a bit odd. And really, if he can't get over something that small, how on earth would he cope with the big stuff? In which case, why would you even waste your time?

odd - странно
get over something - to successfully deal with a problem or difficulty:
I don't know how we're going to get over this problem.
how on earth/in the world etc (=used for emphasis when you are surprised, angry etc)
How on earth did you find out?
cope - to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation:
She feared she wouldn't be able to cope with two new babies.
waste your time - тратить время

Источник: http://www.metro.co.uk/


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    1. Their ability to evade even the speediest swatter drives us mad.
    2. The insects can plan and execute an emergency take-off in just a fifth of a second
    3. They can detect the threat and position their legs to jump in the safest direction.

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    Your sincerely,
    Дмитрий Борисов

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