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English: The Best

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English: The Best

Выпуск 156 от 28.01.2014

English: The Best

Дорогие друзья!

Знаете ли Вы, что такое лимерик?

Лимерик – популярная форма короткого юмористического стихотворения, построенного на обыгрывании бессмыслицы, возникшая в Великобритании. Разучивание лимериков помогает научиться говорить по- английски с правильной английской интонацией. Ведь в этих стихах происходит чередование слабых и сильных форм, что чрезвычайно важно для того, чтобы английская речь звучала естественно. Например:

What is a limerick?

"A poem presenting with rhyme
and which follows a rhythm in time
need not be what we call
a true Limerick at all
like a lemon, the cousin of lime.

Yet a limerick a lemon can be, 
you could use a small slice for your tea.
Do not use it in fudge 
and respect that the judge
is the man with no writing degree."
Herbert Nehrlich

Для Вас на сайте появился новый раздел, в котором представлено более 170 лимериков различной тематики. Учите английский язык с удовольствием!

А мы продолжаем совмещать полезное с приятным, читая роман Уилки Коллинза "The Woman in White".

1. «The woman in White" Lesson 209

I took advantage of her newly-aroused confidence in me to observe her face, with an attention and a curiosity which I had hitherto restrained myself from showing, for caution's sake. I looked at her, with my mind full of that other lovely face which had so ominously recalled her to my memory on the terrace by moonlight. I had seen Anne Catherick's likeness in Miss Fairlie. I now saw Miss Fairlie's likeness in Anne Catherick--saw it all the more clearly because the points of dissimilarity between the two were presented to me as well as the points of resemblance. In the general outline of the countenance and general proportion of the features--in the colour of the hair and in the little nervous uncertainty about the lips--in the height and size of the figure, and the carriage of the head and body, the likeness appeared even more startling than I had ever felt it to be yet. But there the resemblance ended, and the dissimilarity, in details, began. The delicate beauty of Miss Fairlie's complexion, the transparent clearness of her eyes, the smooth purity of her skin, the tender bloom of colour on her lips, were all missing from the worn weary face that was now turned towards mine. Although I hated myself even for thinking such a thing, still, while I looked at the woman before me, the idea would force itself into my mind that one sad change, in the future, was all that was wanting to make the likeness complete, which I now saw to be so imperfect in detail. If ever sorrow and suffering set their profaning marks on the youth and beauty of Miss Fairlie's face, then, and then only, Anne Catherick and she would be the twin-sisters of chance resemblance, the living reflections of one another.

I shuddered at the thought. There was something horrible in the blind unreasoning distrust of the future which the mere passage of it through my mind seemed to imply. It was a welcome interruption to be roused by feeling Anne Catherick's hand laid on my shoulder. The touch was as stealthy and as sudden as that other touch which had petrified me from head to foot on the night when we first met.


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