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English: The woman in white

Выпуск 141 от 09.02.2012

English: The Woman in White

by Wilkie Collins

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А мы, как обычно, продолжаем изучать английский язык, читая роман Уилки Коллинза «Женщина в белом» в оригинале. Сегодня мы продолжаем читать восьмую главу романа. Напоминаю, что повествование ведет Уолтер Хартрайт, учитель рисования. «Ваш словарик» - «Your vocabulary» познакомит Вас со словами, которые могут вызвать затруднения в понимании сегодняшнего фрагмента текста. Перевод всех слов находится ЗДЕСЬ.  Профессиональный перевод Т.Л.Лещенко-Сухомлиной Вы можете прочитать в разделе  «The translation». Сам текст в оригинале представлен в рубрике «Thе woman in white». «The pronunciation» снимет возможные трудности в произношении. «What we have read about»- краткое содержание прочитанного.

 What we have read about

«The woman in white»

Does my poor portrait of her, my fond, patient labour of long and happy days, show me these things? Ah, how few of them are in the dim mechanical drawing, and how many in the mind with which I regard it! A fair, delicate girl, in a pretty light dress, trifling with the leaves of a sketch-book, while she looks up from it with truthful, innocent blue eyes--that is all the drawing can say; all, perhaps, that even the deeper reach of thought and pen can say in their language, either. The woman who first gives life, light, and form to our shadowy conceptions of beauty, fills a void in our spiritual nature that has remained unknown to us till she appeared. Sympathies that lie too deep for words, too deep almost for thoughts, are touched, at such times, by other charms than those which the senses feel and which the resources of expression can realise. The mystery which underlies the beauty of women is never raised above the reach of all expression until it has claimed kindred with the deeper mystery in our own souls. Then, and then only, has it passed beyond the narrow region on which light falls, in this world, from the pencil and the pen.


Your vocabulary

The pronunciation

The translation

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