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A Lyrical Hero of Francesco Petrarca
How to Survive Extreme Weather: Heat

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A Lyrical Hero of Francesco Petrarca
A Lyrical Hero of Francesco Petrarca Italian scholar, poet, and humanist, a major force in the development of the Renaissance, famous for his poems addressed to Laura, an idealized beloved whom he met in 1327 and who died in 1348. Attempts have been made to identify her, but all that is known is that Petrarch met Laura in Avignon, where he had entered the household of an influential cardinal. She is generally believed to have been the 19-year-old wife of Hugues de Sade. Petrarch saw her first time in the church of Saint Claire. According to several modern scholars, it is possible that Laura was a fictional character. However, she was a more realistically presented female character than in the conventional songs of the troubadours or in the literature of courtly love.

Francis Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) was born in Arezzo as the son of a notary, but he spend his early childhood in a village near Florence. His father, Ser Petracco, was expelled from Florence by the Black Guelfs, who had seized power. Petrarch spent much of his early life at Avignon, where Pope Clement V had moved in 1309, and in Carpentras, a little town east of Avignon. He studied at Montpellier (1319-23) and moved to Bologna, where he studied law in 1323-25. Petrarch was primarily interested in writing and Latin literature, sharing this passion with his friend Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), the writer of УDecameronФ.

When his father died in 1326, Petrach returned to Avignon, where he worked in different clerical offices. The turning point in his life was April 6 1327, when he saw Laura in the church of Sainte-Claire d'Avignon. She became the queen of his poetry. "To be able to say how much you love is to love but little," Petrarch wrote in 'To Laura in Death'. Petrarch did not feel at home in Avignon but while staying there he composed numerous sonnets which acquired popularity.

As a scholar and poet, Petrarch soon grew famous, and in 1341 he was crowned as a poet laureate in Rome. He was subsequently charged with various diplomatic missions. At Vaucluse, about fifteen miles from Avignon, where he had transferred his books, he wrote among others УBucolicum CarmenФ (1345-47) and УDe Vita SolitariaФ (1345-47).

Petrarch settled about 1367 in Padua, where he passed his remaining years in religious exercises. He died in Arqua in the Euganean Hills on July 18, 1374. Petrarch bequeathed to Boccaccio a small sum of money for a new cloak.

Petrarch was regarded as the greatest scholar of his age, who combined interest in classical culture and Christianity and left deep influence on literature throughout Western Europe. The majority of his works Petrarch wrote in Latin, although his sonnets and canzoni written in Italy were equally influential. Petrarch was known as a devoted student of antiquity, who had a passion for finding and commenting on the works of the ancients. In his letter to posterity he confessed that he always disliked his own age: "I would have preferred to have been born in any other time than our own."

A prolific correspondent, he wrote many important letters, and his critical spirit made him a founder of Renaissance humanism. Among Petrarch's Latin works are УDe Viris IllustribusФ, a kind of version of Plutarch's УComparative BiograpiesФ, the epic poem УAfricaФ, which has Scipio Africanus as its hero, the dialogue УSecretumФ, a debate with St. Augustine, an УRerum Memorandarum LibriФ, an incomplete treatise on the cardinal virtues, УDe Remediis Utriusque FortunaeФ, his most popular Latin prose work, УItinerariumФ, a guide book to the Holy Land, and УDe Sui Ipsius et Multorum IgnorantiaФ, against Aristotelians.

Petrarch wrote and revised his sonnets during the years between 1327 and 1374. УCanzoniereФ (Song Book) was inspired by the Lady whom Petrarch names Laura, chronicling his first encounter with her at the age of 23. However, his love was not returned, her presence causes him unspeakable joy, and on the other hand it creates unendurable desires. There is no definite information concerning Laura, except that she is lovely to look at, with golden hair, and her bearing is modest and dignified. Upon her death, the poet finds that his grief is as difficult to live with as was his former despair. Later in УLetter to PosterityФ Petrarch wrote: "In my younger days I struggled constantly with an overwhelming but pure love affair - my only one, and I would have struggled with it longer had not premature death, bitter but salutary for me, extinguished the cooling flames. I certainly wish I could say that I have always been entirely free from desires of the flesh, but I would be lying if I did."


Love rules without rules

beloved [bI'lAvd] возлюбленна€, любима€

attempt [q'tempt] попытка

fictional ['fIkSqnl] вымышленный

conventional [kqn'venSqnl] обычный, традиционный

troubadour ['trHbqduq] трубадур

courtly ['kLtlI] изысканный

notary ['nqutqrI] нотариус

to expel [Iks'pel] выгон€ть, исключать

to seize [sJz] захватывать, завладевать

primarily ['praIm(q)rIlI] прежде всего; главным образом

to acquire [q'kwaIq] приобретать

poet laureate ['lLrIIt] поэт, награжденный за заслуги; придворный поэт

to bequeath [bI'kwJD] завещать

cloak [klquk] плащ

canzoni (ital.) песни

posterity [pOs'terItI] последующие поколени€

prolific [prqu'lIfIk] плодородный

treatise ['trJtIz] трактат

virtue ['vWtjH] добродетель

to revise [rI'vaIz] перерабатывать, измен€ть

unendurable ['AnIn'djuqrqbl] нестерпимый

dignified ['dIgnIfaId] величественный

salutary ['sxljut(q)rI] целительный

to extinguish [Iks'tINgwIS] гасить, тушить

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How to Survive Extreme Weather: Heat

How to Survive Extreme Weather: Heat

Sunlight hits the earth most directly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and as a result, this area sees the most tourism in the colder months of the northern and southern hemispheres.

Bleached-out victims of cold weather immediately want to hit the beach and start working on the perfect tan. And the belief is that since it's winter where they're from, the sun can't be all that strong here, either. However, no matter what time of year you arrive, the sun of the tropics will burn unshielded skin in less than 20 minutes. Your best bet is to start out with the highest sun protection you can find. The US Food and Drug Administration has set the highest sun protection factor at SPF 30. This is considered total occlusion.

If you are going to be in, on, or near the water, you must protect yourself at this level since the reflected rays can be stronger than the direct ones. You should also limit your exposure to the sun to no more than a total of one hour on the first day. Believe it or not, this includes time spent going from car to building, lobby to pool, and shop to shop. It adds up quickly, and sun exposure is cumulative every minute you are out. Remember that riding in an open car is the same as lying by a pool, except you're probably getting wind damage as well.

You will notice that even with SPF 30 protection, some reddening of the skin will occur. This will brown down within 24 hours, and your tan will begin. Once the skin begins to protect itself with melanin, you can gradually lower the SPF factor of your protection and get on with the tan. Above all, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Inside and out. Drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages, and use mist or apply more moisturizer to your skin as often as possible.

No matter how hard you work on a tan, your skin will slough off the dead cells within 72 hours of your last exposure. While it may be worth it to lord a tan over your mates in the pub, it won't last long enough to justify the deep cell damage, and susceptibility to melanomas and other cancers that tropical sun exposure causes.

You will find that people who live in tropical locales avoid the sun. They may tell you that they work all the time and don't go to the beach, but the truth is, they know better. They just don't want skin that looks like a leather saddle by the age of 35.

If you're travelling in extreme heat, it's a good idea to carry a jug of water in your car, in case a breakdown causes you to be stranded on a long road with no gas station nearby. Every once in a while, someone dies waiting inside their hot car for some sort of assistance to arrive. The worst thing about this sort of death is that is so easily preventable.

If you have not got air conditioning, one way to keep your house cool in the summer is to close all the windows and draw all the curtains during the day, and open all the windows at night. This method is used by Italians, where it does get hot in the summer. The only problem with leaving your windows open is that the mosquitoes will come hurtling in.


Make hay while the sun shines

hemisphere ['hemIsfIq] полушарие

bleached Ц out [blJtStau] отбеленный, обесцвеченный

tan [txn] загар

unshielded ['An'SJldId] незащищенный

bet [bet] выбор

occlusion [O'klHZ(q)n] преграда

exposure [Iks'pquZq] подвергание какому-л. ¬оздействию

lobby ['lObI] вестибюль

to cumulative ['kjHmjulqtIv] соедин€ть, составл€ть вместе

reddening ['rednIN] покраснение

gradually ['grxdjuqlI] постепенно

to moisturize ['mOIstSqraIz] увлажн€ть

mist [mIst] аэрозоль

to slough off [slau] сбрасывать (кожу)

to lord [lLd] важничать, хвастатьс€

susceptibility [sq"septq'bIlItI] восприимчивость, чувствительность

saddle ['sxdl] седло

breakdown ['breIkdaun] поломка

assistance [q'sIst(q)ns] помощь

preventable [prI'ventqbl] предотвратимый

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