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Английский для каждого

Английский для каждого
Учись развлекаясь 23 марта

Содержание выпуска:

Х Знакомства для общения на английском языке
Х Song: SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR "I Won't Change You"
Х Mona Lisa Smile

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Знакомства для общения на английском языке

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Song: Pink "Stupid Girls"

"I Won't Change You"

I used to change my accent, change my stance 
My phone number, the way I dance 
Some people change lovers like they change their sheets 
But I won't change you honey, you're for keeps 

I used to think I had to change the way I am 
To feel better, to get a man 
But once I stopped trying I fell for you 
You fell for me so I'll stay the same for you 

Oh yeah I know that I'm not perfect baby 
Oh yeah it's no reason to go crazy 
Oh yeah boy you can always count on me 
For better or for worse I will always put you first 

Now that I have found you 
You've changed my life 
Cos you're the one who showed me 
I have everything right 
We're never gonna differ cos we know it's true 
So don't change me and I won't change you 

I used to change my style like I changed my mind 
I tried to change a tyre but I'm not that way inclined 
Tried to change my figure my diet too 
I'll still change my underwear if that's O.K with you 
But after seeing you I know that here is best 

Oh yeah the world can sometimes make you feel bad 
Oh yeah but don't forget the things you have 
Oh yeah boy you can always count on me 
In sickness and in health baby always be yourself

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Mona Lisa Smile

Mona Lisa Smile

By Ravi Kumar Paluri

Mona Lisa Smile, a painting which has become famous world wide is an art work created by Leonardo da Vinci. People have been gazing at Leonardo da Vinci's Portrait of the Mona Lisa with a sense of bafflement for nearly 500 years. It portrays a real woman of flesh and blood. Her enigmatic smile has seduced millions of art lovers. This painting became famous because of the fact that it looks lively.

If any one gets a glimpse of the picture, the first thing that strikes him is the amazing degree to which Lisa looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own. Like a living being, she seems to change before our eyes and looks a little different every time we come back to her. First she is smiling. Then the smile fades. A moment later the smile returns only to disappear again. Even in photographs of the picture we experience this strange effect. Sometimes she seems to mock at us, and then again we seem to catch something like sadness in her smile. All this sounds rather mysterious, but it's true. Leonardo da Vinci was a great observer of nature and created this painting in such a way that he left something for the beholder to guess.

Many questions were raised by the observers of this painting like, what is with this lady's face? How did the great painter capture such a mysterious expression and why haven't other artists copied it? Many tried to answer these questions which gave birth to number of theories but Leonardo, the great observer of nature certainly knew how he achieved this effect, and by what means. Some gave a scientific explanation of how the eye and brain deal with different levels of contrast and illumination. Others explained how the human visual system is designed. Recently, scientists attributed the weird behavior of this painting to visual noise.

In any painting, if the outlines are not quite so firmly drawn, if the form is left a little vague, as though disappearing into a shadow, the impression of dryness and stiffness can be avoided. This is Leonardo's famous invention which the Italians call sfumato - the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination.

In the painting of Mona Lisa, Leonardo used the means of his 'sfumato' with the utmost deliberation. Everyone who has ever tried to draw or scribble a face knows that the expression of the picture rests mainly in two features: the corners of the mouth, and the corners of the eyes. Now it is precisely these parts which Leonardo has left deliberately indistinct, by letting them merge into a soft shadow. That is why we are never quite certain in what mood Mona Lisa is really looking at us. Her expression always seems just to elude us. It is not only vagueness, of course, which produces this effect. There is much more behind it. Leonardo has done a very daring thing, which perhaps only a painter of his consummate mastery could risk. Hats off to the wonderful work created by Leonardo! The people who had a close look at the picture notice that two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the fantastic dream landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower than the one on the right. Consequently, when we focus on the left side of the picture, the woman looks somehow taller or more erect than if we focus on the right side. And her face, too, seems to change with this change of position, because even here, the two sides do not quite match. One really admires the way in which he modelled the hand, or the sleeves with their minute folds. Leonardo could be as painstaking as any of his forerunners in the patient observation of nature.

Long ago, in the distant past, people had looked at portraits with awe, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could somehow preserve the soul of the person he portrayed. Now the great scientist, Leonardo, had made some of the dreams and fears of these first image-makers come true. He knew the spell which would infuse life into the colors spread by his magic brush.

Unknown words:
bafflement - сложность, трудность
to portray - рисовать портрет; изображать
to seduce - завоевывать, пленять, покорять
glimpse - беглый взгляд
to strike - поражать, производить впечатление
to fade - постепенно исчезать, расплываться
to mock - насмехаться
beholder - зритель
to capture - фиксировать; завладеть
to achieve - добиваться, достигать
to attribute - объяснять; приписывать
outlines - очертание; контур
vague - неопределенный; неуловимый
stiffness - чопорность; церемонность
blurred - неясный, туманный; расплывчатый
mellowed - смягченный
to merge - сливать(ся), соединять(ся)
utmost - крайний, предельный; величайший
deliberation - размышление, обдумывание; рассудительность
to scribble - марать бумагу, пописывать
to elude - ускользать
consummate - совершенный; виртуозный
erect - прямой; бодрый, оживленный
minute - мелкий, мельчайший
fold - изгиб, складка
painstaking - старательный, усердный
forerunner - предшественник
awe - (благоговейный) страх, трепет
spell - заклинание
to infuse - вселять, возбуждать ( чувство и т. п. ); придавать

Man does not live by bread alone

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