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Английский для каждого

Английский для каждого
Учись развлекаясь 17 марта

Содержание выпуска:

Х Знакомства для общения на английском языке
Х Song: Pink "Stupid Girls"
Х Science: When the Sun freezeth over!

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Знакомства для общения на английском языке

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Song: Pink "Stupid Girls"

Stupid Girls 

Stupid girl, stupid girls, stupid girls
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
What a paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl

Go to Fred Segal, you'll find them there
Laughing loud so all the little people stare
Looking for a daddy to pay for the champagne
(Drop a name)
What happened to the dreams of a girl president
She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent
They travel in packs of two or three
With their itsy bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees
Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?
Oh where, oh where could they be?

Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
What a paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blonde hair back
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl

(Break it down now)
Disease's growing, it's epidemic
I'm scared that there ain't a cure
The world believes it and I'm going crazy
I cannot take any more
I'm so glad that I'll never fit in
That will never be me
Outcasts and girls with ambition
That's what I wanna see
Disasters all around
World despaired
Their only concern
Will they **** up my hair

Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
What a paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blonde hair back
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl

Oh my god you guys, I totally had more that 300 calories
That was so not sexy, no
Good one, can I borrow that?
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Science: When the Sun freezeth over!

When the Sun freezeth over!

Will the sun ever burn out? How soon will it happen? What will happen to us?

By Saurin Desai

If you've ever sat by a bonfire on a chilly evening, you would have noticed that without constant stoking the fire would soon die out; but the great ball of fire, our sun, has been burning non-stop for over 4.5 billion years without any signs of dying out. So will it ever burn out?

Yes, it will eventually, but no need to hurry up on that intergalactic shift. The sun has enough fuel left to last another 5.5 billion years. Although the sun burns up around 700 billion tons a second, till date, it has only used up about half of its hydrogen fuel.

A day in the life of the sun.

sulphur, aluminum, calcium, sodium, nickel and argon). Hydrogen is converted by nuclear fusion into Helium, which is also combustible (the reaction is similar to the one that happens in an H-bomb). In this way, the sun both burns and creates fuel. The sun is a very efficient furnace and over 92 percent of the hydrogen burned is converted into helium while the remaining is lost as energy in the form of heat, light and x-rays.

vast earth is only able to capture a miniscule percentage of this energy, the rest of which is lost to space, even then each square meter of the Earth receives 1.4 kilowatts of power each second.

Sun of a huge gun!

dwarf star, about 1.5 million kilometers across, is our closest star. It is around 150 million kilometers or 8 light-minutes away, thus light originating from the sun would take around 8 minutes to get to earth. Although the sun is composed of light gases, it weighs one million, nine thousand, eight hundred and nine billion, billion, billion kg (about 30,000 times the earth's mass) and is about 1.3 million times the earth's volume and around 1.4 million kilometres in diameter (around 100 times the earth's diameter)

core, the sun's temperature is about 15 million deg Celsius (27 million deg Fahrenheit), but by the time the heat reaches the surface of the sun, it has cooled down to 5800 deg Celsius (10400 deg Fahrenheit).

And God created light!

collapsing cloud of cold molecular Hydrogen gas and dust. Slowly over a period of millions of years, the cloud formed into a rotating disk with a huge central bulge, which further collapsing due to its large gravitational force, ended up with a temperature of several million degrees. At this temperature, the hydrogen nuclei began to fuse into helium and thus the sun's present form came into existence. At about this time, a powerful solar wind blew away the remaining gas clouds and dust, which till then had obscured the sun from view.

The beginning of the end!

perish and along with it, all life on the planet. In about a billion years, the sun will be about 10 percent brighter than what it is now, this will cause the earth's atmosphere to dry out; wiping out most of the land-based species. 2.5 billions years later, the sun would have become 40 percent brighter than today, this would cause all the oceans to evaporate, leading to total annihilation of most life forms on earth.

shrink while the sun's atmosphere will expand to about 100 times its current size; Mercury & Venus will be engulfed, and Earth will turn into a massive ball of fire although it will survive the holocaust.

solar system will be altered drastically. Two of the planets will have vanished and the remaining will be frozen in complete darkness for all eternity. Although earth will survive, it is likely to have a glassy surface once all the molten rock has cooled down.

A new beginning?

inhabited other planets and even galaxies, but it is improbable that earth will be able to rejuvenate itself once more and become fertile enough to host life yet again.

Unknown words:
bonfire - костер
to stoke - поддерживать огонь
to die out - затухать ( об огне )
shift - изменение, перемещение, сдвиг
hydrogen - водород
sulphur - сера
to convert - преобразовывать; превращать
nuclear fusion - синтез, слияние ядер
combustible - воспламеняемый; горючее; топливо
H-bomb - водородная бомба
furnace - печь
x-rays - рентгеновские лучи
vast - обширный, громадный; безбрежный
minuscule = miniscule очень маленький, крошечный
dwarf - карликовый, миниатюрный
core - центр; сердцевина, ядро
to collapse - разрушаться, обваливаться
bulge - выпуклость, округлый выступ
nuclei - (pl.) ядра ( sing. nucleus )
to obscure - затенять; скрывать, прятать
to perish - гибнуть, погибать, умирать
species - вид; род; порода
to evaporate - испаряться; выпаривать; обезвоживать
annihilation - (полное) уничтожение, истребление
to shrink - сжиматься, съеживаться
to engulf - поглощать, заглатывать; засасывать
holocaust - сожжение приговоренного; сожжение жертвы; уничтожение
solar - солнечный
to alter - изменять(ся)
to vanish - исчезать, пропадать
eternity - бесконечность, вечность
glassy - остекленевший, гладкий, зеркальный
to inhabit - жить, населять
to rejuvenate - омолаживать(ся), восстанавливать силы
fertile - плодородный
to host - выступать в роли хозяина

All's Well That Ends Well

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