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Английский для каждого

Английский для каждого
Учись развлекаясь 17 февраля

Содержание выпуска:

Х Знакомства для общения на английском языке
Х Charming creature - GEISHA
Х Japanese Jokes

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Х Архив рассылки
Х Сайт рассылки
Х Журнал рассылки

Знакомства для общения на английском языке

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Charming creature - GEISHA

Arthur Golden's 1998 novel 'Memoirs of a Geisha' revived interest in an aspect of Japan that is so intrinsic to the Western stereotype and yet so far removed from the reality of daily life here. Geisha do still exist and ply their trade, of course. But the role they play in modern society is minor and, except for the attention they get from camera-wielding tourists, largely unseen.

Like their male counterpart the samurai, the geisha (another term is 'geiko') and her world continue to fascinate people around the world as part of their image of a mysterious and timeless Japan. While many people assume that geisha is just a Japanese word for a prostitute, the somewhat more romantic word 'courtesan' is probably closer in nuance, though even that is misleading when you consider their history. The word geisha itself literally means 'person of the arts' - indeed the earliest geisha were men - and it is as performers of dance, music and poetry that they actually spend most of their working time.

History of geisha

Geisha have their roots in female entertainers such as the Saburuko of the 7th century and the Shirabyoshi, who emerged around the early 13th century. They would perform for the nobility and some even became concubines to the emperor. It was in the late 16th century that the first walled-in pleasure quarters were built in Japan. After they were relocated in the mid-1600s, they became known as Shimabara.

Meanwhile a marshy patch of land (Yoshi-wara) in Edo had been designated as the site for a brothel district under the auspices of the Tokugawa shogunate. Brothels and the like were not allowed to operate outside the district and strict rules were applied. Included among these were that no customers were allowed to stay in a brothel more than 24 hours; courtesans were to wear simple dyed kimonos.

With Japan enjoying a long-awaited period of peace following centuries of civil war, many samurai found that society no longer had such need of their services. It's thought that many daughters of these formerly noble families became courtesans, with the result that quarters such as Yoshiwara and Shimabara were places of refinement and culture. Peace also brought an increase in prosperity and the rise of the merchant class. Add that to the presence of artists and an atmosphere free of the strictures of the outside world, and it truly was something of an adult amusement park, with culture thrown in for good measure.

Within the hanamichi (geiko district) there were many different classes of courtesans, and over the decades the hierarchy and the standards expected of them changed many times, not always for the better. The situation deteriorated in the mid-18th century to the extent that a new form of entertainer emerged in Kyoto and Osaka. The earliest geiko were men, while the first females, who appeared shortly after, were odoriko (dancers) or played the shamisen (musical instrument). Female geisha soon became popular enough to be able to steal clients from the courtesans, and in the case of Yoshiwara it was decided to start a registration system, to keep them under control and force them to pay taxes. It strictly controlled their dress, behaviour and movements and was considered so successful that it quickly became the norm at hanamichi across Japan.

These strict rules in fact allowed the geisha to flourish as artists and entertainers. Though more simply dressed than the courtesans, they became regarded as fashion leaders. But many aspects of the lifestyle itself were less glamorous. Young girls were sold into the geisha life by their families until the mid-20th century and were often subject to the ritual of 'mizu-age,' whereby their virginity was sold to the highest bidder. Such practices were eradicated after World War II and the geisha profession went into a steady decline. Today, if geisha are hired to entertain at a private party outside the upper echelons of society, they are most likely to be seasoned veterans, more akin to your favorite aunt or even grandmother than the girl next door.

Geisha hairstyles

The hairstyles of geisha have varied through history. In the past, it has been common for women to wear their hair down in some periods, but up in others. During the seventeenth century, women began putting all their hair up again, and it is during this time that the traditional hairstyle, shimada, developed. This is the hairstyle worn by geisha and generally means that all the hair is pulled back in one section. These hairstyles were decorated with elaborate hair-combs and hairpins, which often symbolized status.

Geisha make-up

Today the make-up of geisha and maiko (apprentice geisha) is one of their most recognizable characteristics. Some believe that it originated in China and was later adopted by the women in the Japanese court.

Women used rice-flour powder or lead-based powder mixed with water, which formed a thin paste, and applied this paste to their faces as a foundation. They would then remove their eyebrows with tweezers and paint in thick false eyebrows high on their forehead. Next come the lips, which are filled in using a small brush. Crystallized sugar is then added to give the lips luster. Apparently, historically, very small lips were once considered sensual and attractive.


The course of arts study encompasses a wide variety of arts, including the shamisen, percussion, flute, voice (singing), classical Japanese dance, tea ceremony, and more rarely flower arranging (ikebana), poetry and literature. In addition, by watching and assisting senior geisha, the students also become skilled in the complex traditions surrounding selecting, matching, and wearing precious kimono, in various games and the art of conversation, and in dealing with clients.

Unknown words:
intrinsic - присущий, свойственный
to ply - упорно, усердно заниматься, много работать
to wield - владеть, иметь в своем распоряжении
counterpart - копия; двойник
nuance - нюанс, оттенок
to mislead - вводить в заблуждение
nobility - дворянство; родовая знать
concubine - любовница, содержанка
walled-in - обнесённый стеной
quarter - квартал
marshy - болотистый
to designate - определять
brothel - публичный дом
under the auspices of - под покровительством
dyed - окрашенный
refinement - утонченность, изящество
prosperity - преуспевание, процветание
merchant - купец; торговый
hierarchy - иерархия
to deteriorate - ухудшаться
to eradicate - искоренять; истреблять
decline - падение, упадок
seasoned - бывалый, опытный; испытанный
akin - похожий
elaborate - (устар.) искусно сделанный; тонкой работы
comb - гребень; расческа
apprentice - ученик; новичок; начинающий
court - двор ( короля и т. п. )
lead - свинец
tweezers - пинцет
luster - глянец, блеск
to encompass - заключать

Even when our sleeves brush together it is our karma.

Полезные материалы

Скачать аудиокниги на английском языке в формате mp3 - Аудиокниги, радиопередачи и другие полезные аудиоматериалы в помощь изучающим английский язык.


Программы для изучающих английский язык - То, что мы слушаем на лекции или на семинаре, мы схватываем с первого раза лишь на 16 процентов (тесты показали), остальное "добиваем" ночами, перечитывая и зазубривая материал по несколько раз. Ну, а то, что человек слышит в дружеской беседе, не напрягая при этом память и не скрипя мозгами, он может запомнить даже на все сто процентов. Кто сказал, что детей надо учить играючи, а взрослые, мол, и так поймут?! Взрослым, практически всем, учиться намного сложней, чем детям. У детей хорошо развита интуиция, они часто "вылазят" на простом подражании. А вот взрослые, как правило, мучаются с достаточно нудными определениями, усложненными таблицами и графиками и порой, к сожалению, устаревшей литературой. Тесты и игрушки, выложенные здесь, могут помочь в запоминании иностранных слов и грамматики.

Фирменные разработки English4U - Команда English4U не только издает свой журнал, но и занимается разработкой интересных программ для изучающих английский язык. Также в разделе представлены заставки с логотипом нашего проекта.

Художественная литература и другие книги на английском языке

Учебники и учебные книги для изучающих английский язык

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Japanese Jokes

A Friendly Japanese

How courteous is the Japanese;
He always says, "Excuse it, please."
He climbs into his neighbor's garden.
And smiles, and says, "I beg your pardon;"
He bows and grins a friendly grin,
And calls his hungry family in;
He grins, and bows a friendly bow;
"So sorry, this my garden now."
         - Ogden Nash 

Australian And Japanese Talking
An Australian man was sitting in his favorite restaurant when a Japanese bloke said to him, "I am sick of seeing your big round eyes."
The Australian replied, "Put on a blind fold."
The Japanese man asked, "Where do I get one?
The Australian then said, "Here take my shoe lace."

Frustrated Japanese Father
A frustrated Japanese father vented, "When I was a youngster, I was disciplined by being sent to my room without supper. But in my son's room, he has his own color TV, telephone, computer, and CD player."
"So what do you do?" asked his friend.
"I send him to MY room!" exclaimed the father.

Unknown words:
courteous - вежливый, учтивый, любезный
to climb - взбираться, влезать
to bow - кланяться
to grin - ухмыляться; усмехаться
bloke - малый, парень
blindfold - повязка на глаза; с завязанными глазами
lace - шнурок
frustrated - расстроенный, разочарованный
to vent - давать выход; изливать

Новости сайта

    ХИТЫ продаж прошедшей недели:
  • Million Dollar Baby (Крошка на миллион долларов)
  • Memoirs of a Geisha (Дневники Гейши)
  • Daddy Day Care (Дежурный папа)
  • Anything Else (Кое-что еще...)
  • Spiderman (Человек-Паук)
  • Cheaper by the Dozen (Оптом дешевле)
  • You Stupid Man (Ну ты и придурок!)
  • Breaking the Waves (Рассекая волны)
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 (Фаренгейт 9/11)
  • What Women Want (Чего хотят женщины)

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