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16 июля 2003 года |
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THE COW The friendly cow all red and white, I love with all my heart; She gives me cream with all her might, To eat with apple-tart. She wanders lowing here and there, And yet she cannot stray, AH in the pleasant open air, The pleasant light of day; And blown by all the winds that pass And wet with all the showers, She walks among the meadow grass And eats the meadow flowers. (R.L. Stevenson) | ||
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Q:Что такое ВГБИЛ?
В библиотеке есть: - читальные залы - абонемент - American Center & Educational Advising Center (EAC) - British Center - Французский центр - стенд BBC - лингафонный зал - кинозалЗа редким исключением все услуги библиотеки для вас бесплатны. Q:Что такое TOEFL и TWE? Как его можно сдать? Сколько это
Тест включает в себя три секции:
Максимальный возможный счет колеблется в пределах 660-680 в зависимости от сложности теста. Вы можете приблизительно оценить свои результаты по следующей шкале: Счет Оценка 550-600 минимальный счет, требуемый для поступления в некоторые ВУЗы, будет ли этого достаточно зависит от конкретного случая 600-610 хорошо 610-620 очень хорошо 620-630 отлично >630 блестяще Имейте в виду, что у разных ВУЗов (или др. учреждений) требования разные. В среднем, для того, чтобы вас приняли в университет на техническую специальность необходимо набрать 550-610 очков. TWE=Test of Written English. Тест проводится вместе с экзаменом TOEFL. Вам будет предложено написать маленькое сочинение на заданную тему. Однако, вы можете отказаться от этого теста, если сочтете это необходимым. If you take the TOEFL test in August, September, October, February or May, you will also take the Test of Written English (TWE). You will have 30 minutes to write about 200-300 words in the one topic printed in your TWE test book. You will not need special knowledge of the topic. Бесплатный бюллетень с регистрационной формой TOEFL/TWE/TSE можно получить в EAC ВГБИЛ. Стоимость теста TOEFL/TWE составляет около $53 (пятница) или $46 (суббота). Тесты проводится в среднем раз в один-два месяца. В настоящее время тесты TOEFL/TWE в России проводятся в:
Что такое TSE? Как его можно сдать? Сколько это стоит?
Что такое GRE? Что такое GRE General и GRE Subject? Где
можно сдать эти тесты и сколько это стоит?
Тест GRE состоит из двух частей: общего теста и теста по
специальности. При регистрации вы должны указать, будете ли вы
сдавать тест по специальности и, если будете, то по какой именно:
GRE General состоит из нескольких секций, в которых
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Статья | ||
OLEG SKRYPKA: "The English Language is closely connected with music"The new album "Fayno" of the group VV is unusual because it includes two songs in foreign languages; "The Pack of Cigarettes" in English and "Sunny Days" in French. Is "The Pack of Cigarettes" the first song, which you have performed in English? We performed in Salzburg in 1996. It was the festival of "Modern Art". One day was devoted to modern choreography. Organizer's idea was to form some dancing groups and they had to dance to "alive" music, as an "alive" group VV was invited. We were given phonograms of songs by Elvis Presley, U2, The Beatles, and others. We learned them and performed. So, it was one performance, one day and one time. How did the idea of singing English songs appear? The idea appeared at that time when we were asked to translate Viktor Tsoi's songs into foreign languages. As for me, it was very interesting to listen to these songs. Two songs have already been remade: "The Pack of Cigarettes"- in English and "Sunny Days"-in French. We have a lot of fans who are foreigners, they or their relatives lived in Ukraine and Russia and they listen to VV. Performances in clubs are attended by 10-20 % of foreign people. Maybe this translation has been aimed at them. And how did the idea to include foreign songs into your album come to you? Perhaps, they were my ambitions and phonetic experiments. I was sure that these songs would sound great. I mean "Sunny Days"- in French and "The Pack of Cigarettes"- in English. We always have a choice between the Russian and Ukrainian languages, because many songs sound better in Ukrainian and only a few of them sound good in Russian. How long have you studied English? I have been studying English since the third or the fourth form at school. The English language is closely connected with music. So, people interested in music are also interested in the English language, because it is very useful to know what the song is about. Do you try to improve your English? Not really, I am not studying English now because I don't have any contacts with native speakers. Until we have got permanent communication with native speakers we can't learn and understand English. I learned French when we lived there because English is not very popular in France. French people consider your group theirs, don't they? First of all, French people know and remember us. There are a lot of our fans in France. Many people have attended our concerts. Secondly, communication was in the French language, so ideas and words of songs were understandable for them. You often visit Russia with concert programs. Is it easy to perform in Russia? What is the audience like there? The performance in Russia is the same as in Ukraine. Anti-Ukrainian ideas in Russia don't affect our group. There are a lot of Ukrainian people by origin in Moscow clubs (about 70%). There are a lot of foreign people who live in Moscow too. Those people who haven't got a good attitude towards Ukrainians do not go to our concerts. Do you like to travel? What country would you like to visit? I'd like to visit the USA as a tourist: do the shopping, drive a car, go skiing in the mountains. I skied in Europe but I have heard that service in America is better. There are a lot of mountain ski resorts there. Do you possess the qualities of the leader? No, I don't have the qualities of the leader. I became a leader of such a modem group but it was a stroke of luck. I came to this group and they made me a leader. As a matter of fact, if you are a singer you have to be a leader. Gradually, I have got used to such a position and of course I have now some particular duties as a leader. What were the latest interesting events that happened to you? I think it is our concert in "The Palace of Sports" in December 2002 in Kyiv. After this concert in one of the newspapers we could read: "Oleg Skrypka is gravitating to India". Is it true? There are two moments here. The first is the nostalgia for Indian films from my youth and the second is emotions. I spoke to some Indians and it was really interesting to me. I felt as if I were in a "warm" ocean because they are very calm people. Subconsciously you are gravitating to their culture. Is it reflected in your music? Yes, because the best musicians in the world are Indians. They play not by hands but with the help of the heart. Have you ever been to India? No, I haven't. But how and when do you communicate with them? I have got some acquaintances from the Indian embassy. Sometimes they invite me to receptions. I haven't met such a kind-hearted company anywhere. Could you tell us something about yourself as a personality. I have one quality, this quality is self-criticism. On the one hand it bothers me, but on the other hand it is very useful. My attitude to the results of my work and the work of other people is very critical. That's why we work on each album and clip for a very long time. Valeria BASHYNSKA,
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