Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation (двепожилыечетынаслаждалисьдружескойбеседой) when one of the men asked the other (когдаодинизмужчинспросилдругого), "Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month? (ну и как "клиника памяти" - т.е.: восстановления памяти), в которую ты ходил в прошлом месяце)"
"Outstanding (замечательно; outstanding - выдающийся)," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques - visualization, association - it made a huge difference for me (наснаучилинасвсемпоследнимпсихологическимприемам: визуализации, ассоциации - это "сделало" огромнуюразницудляменя = этомнеоченьпомогло;
psychological [saık∂`lodżık∂l] techniques [tek`ni:ks])."
"That's great! What was the name of the clinic? (как называлась клиника)"
Fred went blank (был озадачен; blank - озадаченный, смущенный). He thought and thought, but couldn't remember (ондумалидумал, нонемогвспомнить).
Then a smile broke across his face (затемулыбкапоявилась /to break - здесь: проступить/наеголице) and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns? (как ты называешь
= как называется тот цветок, с длинным стеблем и шипами)"
"You mean a rose? (тыимеешьввидурозу)"
"Yes, that's it! (точно, вот именно: «это /есть/ оно»)"
He turned to his wife… (онповернулсякжене) "Rose, what was the name of that clinic? (Роза, какназываласьтаклиника)"
Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other, "Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?" "Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques - visulization, association - it made a huge difference for me." "That's great! What was the name of the clinic?" Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?" "You mean a rose?" "Yes, that's it!"
He turned to his wife… "Rose, what was the name of that clinic?"
It made a huge difference for me.
That's great!
Yes, that's it!
There is an envelope (конверт; envelope [`∂nvıl∂up]) on the windshield (налобовомстекле: wind - ветер + shield - щит) with a note of apology (сизвинительнойзапиской) and two tickets to a music concert (идвумябилетамина "музыкальныйконцерт"). The note reads (запискагласит),
"I apologize for taking your car (яизвиняюсьза "взятие" = зато, чтовзялвашумашину), but my wife was having a baby (номояженаначаларожать) and I had to hot-wire your ignition (мнепришлосьвключитьвашезажигание; hot - горячий; wire - проволока; провод) to rush her to the hospital (чтобыпримчатьеевгоспиталь). Please forgive the inconvenience (пожалуйста, извинитезанеудобство; inconvenience [ınk∂n`vınıens]). Here are two tickets for tonight's concert of Garth Brooks (здесьдвабилетанасегодняшнийвечернийконцертГартаБрукса), the country-and-western music star (звездустилякантри-и-вестерн)."
Their faith in humanity restored (/послетого, как/ ихверавчеловечествовосстановилась), the couple attends the concert (парапосещаетконцерт) and returns home late (ивозвращаетсядомойпоздно). They find their house
has been robbed (они находят, обнаруживают, что их дом был ограблен). Valuable goods have been taken (ценные вещи взяты) from throughout the house ("из всего дома"), from basement to attic (от подвала: «фундамента» до чердака). And, there is a note on the door reading (гласящая), "Well, you still have your car (ну, уваспо-прежнему = всежеещеестьвашамашина). I have to put my newly born
kid through college somehow, don't I? (я должен провести моего новорожденного ребенка через колледж как-нибудь, каким-либо способом, не так ли = мне же приходится думать, на какие деньги я дам образование своему ребенку)"
There is an envelope on the windshield with a note of apology and two tickets to a music concert. The note reads, "I apologize for taking your car, but my wife was having a baby and I had to hot-wire your ignition to rush her to the hospital. Please forgive the inconvenience. Here are two tickets for tonight's concert of Garth Brooks, the country-and-western music star." Their faith
in humanity restored, the couple attends the concert and returns home late. They find their house has been robbed. Valuable goods have been taken from throughout the house, from basement to attic. And, there is a note on the door reading, "Well, you still have your car. I have to put my newly born kid through college somehow, don't I?"
Проект «Русская Европа» - художественно-исторический проект: стихотворения, любопытные происшествия из жизни русских писателей и политиков и многое другое...