A businessman
boarded a plane (взошелнабортсамолета)
to find, sitting next to him (иобнаружил:
an elegant Jewish woman (элегантнуюеврейку)
wearing (накоторойбыло;
to wear – носить
the largest and most stunning (самоекрупноеисамоепотрясающее)
diamond ring (кольцосбриллиантом)
he had ever seen (котороеонкогда-либовидел).
He asked her about it (онспросилееобэтом).
"This is the Klopman diamond
she said. "It is beautiful (онпрекрасен,
but there is a terrible curse (но
that goes with it (котороеемусопутствует)."
"What's the curse?
the man asked (спросил).
"Mr. Klopman
A businessman boarded a
plane to find, sitting next to him, an elegant Jewish woman wearing the largest
and most stunning diamond ring he had ever seen. He asked her about it.
"This is the Klopman
diamond," she said. "It is beautiful, but there is a terrible curse that goes
with it."
"What's the curse?" the
man asked.
"Mr. Klopman."
И еще один
A carpenter
(плотник) in Chelm is fixing the roof
(чинит крышу), but as he works
какон работает, работая),
he throws away (отбрасывает)
about half the nails (около половины гвоздей).
The mayor is passing by (мэр
проходит мимо), and asks him
why he's wasting so many nails (испрашиваетего,
to waste -
The carpenter answers
"I take a nail out of the bag (яберугвоздьизящика),
and if it's facing the roof (иеслионлицом
= остриемккрыше),
I use it (яегоиспользую);
if it's facing away (есливдругуюсторону:
I know it's defective (язнаю,
and throw it away."
The mayor tells him, "You fool!
(дурак) Those are for the other side!!
(те для другой стороны)"
A carpenter in Chelm is
fixing the roof, but as he works, he throws away about half the nails. The mayor
is passing by, and asks him why he's wasting so many nails. The carpenter
answers, "I take a nail out of the bag, and if it's facing the roof, I use it;
if it's facing away, I know it's defective and throw it away."
The mayor tells him, "You
fool! Those are for the other side!!"
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