A circus owner
(владелец цирка) walked into a bar
(зашел в бар) to see
(посмотреть, увидеть; здесь: и увидел)
everyone crowded about a table (все столпились около
стола) watching a little show (наблюдая
маленькое шоу). On the table (на столе)
was an upside down pot (был перевернутый горшок)
and a duck tap dancing on it (утка, отбивающая
чечетку на нем; tap - легкий стук,
на каблуке;
The circus owner was so impressed (был настолько
впечатлен) that he offered (предложил)
to buy the duck from its owner (купить утку у ее
владельца). After some wheeling and dealing
(после делового разговора; to wheel and deal - обделывать делишки,
судить-рядить) they settled for $10,000
(они сошлись на 10000$; to settle - устанавливать) for the duck
and the pot (за утку и горшок).
Three days
later (три дня спустя) the circus owner runs
back (прибегает назад) to the bar in anger
(в гневе), "Your duck is a ripoff!
(совершенно негодная:
to rip - разрезать,
to rip off - сдирать)
I put (я
/to put-put-put - класть, ставить/)
him on the pot before a whole audience (перед всей
публикой; audience [`o:dj∂ns]),
and he didn't dance a single step! (совсем не
танцевала; не сделала ни единого шага)"
asked (спросил) the duck’s former
(прежний) owner, "did you remember
(вы не забыли; to remember - помнить)
to light the candle under the pot? (зажечь свечу под
A circus owner walked
into a bar to see everyone crowded about a table watching a little show. On the
table was an upside down pot and a duck tap dancing on it. The circus owner was
so impressed that he offered to buy the duck from its owner. After some wheeling
and dealing, they settled for $10,000 for the duck and the pot.
Three days later the
circus owner runs back to the bar in anger, "Your duck is a ripoff! I put him on
the pot before a whole audience, and he didn't dance a single step!"
"So?" asked the duck’s
former owner, "did you remember to light the candle under the pot?"
И еще один
Mywifeinvitedsomepeopletodinner(моя жена пригласила
несколько человек к ужину). At the table, she turned to our
six-year-old daughter and said (за столом она
повернулась к нашей шестилетней дочери и сказала), "Would you like to say
the blessing? (хочешь
произнести молитву: «благословение»; tobless- благословлять)"
"Iwouldn'tknowwhattosay(я не знаю, что говорить),"
"JustsaywhatyouhearMommysay(просто говори, то, что ты
слышишь, что твоя мама говорит)," mywifesaid(сказала моя жена).
Our daughter bowed her head
and said: "Dear Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?
(Боже ты мой: «дорогой
Господь», во имя всего святого: «почему на земле», зачем я пригласила всех этих
людей на ужин)"
My wife invited some
people to dinner. At the table, she turned to our six-year-old daughter and
said, "Would you like to say the blessing?"
"I wouldn't know what to
say," she replied.
"Just say what you hear
Mommy say," my wife said.
Our daughter bowed her
head and said: "Dear Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to
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