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English Speaking Club

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English Speaking Club Newspapers

English Speaking Club                    

Общение с носителями английского языка! 
(495) 585-37-05

  Мы приглашаем вас стать участником клуба English Speaking Club! Это великолепная возможность погрузиться в языковую среду, общаться с носителями английского языка, совершенствовать свой английский, поддерживать знания и речевые навыки в отличной форме.


In Britain, most newspapers are daily (= they come out / are published- выходить, публиковать every day); a few only come out on Sundays. Magazines журнал are usually weekly (= they come out every week), or monthly (= published every month).

Some newspapers are tabloids жёлтая пресса (= small in size) e.g. The Mirror; others are called broadsheets крупноформатная газета (= larger in size) e.g. The Times. In general, the tabloids represent the popular press (short articles and lots of pictures) and the broadsheets represent the quality press солидная пресса (longer articles and more 'serious'). The largest circulation многотиражный (= number of readers) is The Sun.

Most British papers contain the following:

home news (= news about Britain)
foreign/international news (= news about other countries)
business news
sports news
features большая статья (= longer articles about special subjects, e.g. a famous person or a political issue)
radio and TV programmes
weather forecast прогноз погоды (= tells you what the weather will be like)
reviews рецензия (= when film, theatre and music critics write about new films, plays and records, and give their opinion of them)


Editor: редактор the person in control of the daily production.
Reporters/journalists: корреспондент people who report news and write articles;
many journalists are freelance (= внештатный they work for themselves and are not employed by the newspaper).

Headlines газетный заголовок

Certain words (usually very short) are often used in newspaper headlines. Here are some:

row (pronounced like 'cow') (= скандал, ссора an argument)         back (= to support)
quit (= to leave a job)                                                                 hit (= to affect badly)
bid (n, v) (= попытка an effort / a try / an attempt)                         talks (= discussions)
cut (v, n) (= to reduce / make less)                                         key (= very important)

'It said in the paper that

When we refer to something in a newspaper we can use the verb say (not write), or the expression according to:
It says in The Times that they've found the missing girl. According to The Guardian, the missing girl was found last night.
Think about newspapers in your own country. Answer these questions.

1 How many daily national newspapers are there?
2 How many are tabloids?
3 Are any of the 'quality' papers in tabloid form?
4 How many broadsheets are there?
5 How many newspapers only come out on Sunday in your country?
6 Which newspaper has the largest circulation?
7 Can you name at least one editor of a daily paper; and two or three famous journalists who write for daily or weekly papers?
8 How often do you read the newspaper? How often do you buy a newspaper?


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       Это великолепная возможность погрузиться в языковую среду, общаться с интересными людьми, совершенствовать свой английский, поддерживать знания и речевые навыки в отличной форме.

       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

    Оптимальное расписание

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Наш адрес:
г. Москва, ул. Свободы 29, 4-й этаж, офис 415.    

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