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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

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Выпуск #102
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Complete these sentences using yet or still and the words in brackets.
a. When I went to bed, she ..................... (was working).
b. Paul ....................... here (is). He ...................... (hasn't gone).
c. It happened a long time ago but I ...................... (can remember it).

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821)

Предлагаем дочитать отрывок (EXCERPT) из EXCERPT from DRIVE ME WILD by Julie Ortolon (продолжение выпуска # 101 от 22.02.05)

Confused by a barrage of emotions her voice had stirred, he strove to keep his tone light.
"So what has you tracking me down after all these years?"
"I'm running interference, if you must know the truth."
run interference - protect from attack, come between the attacker and the victim. ("прикрывать", защищать). См. ниже раздел "CORRECTIONS"

"Oh?" He could feel the old wariness tightening his chest.
wariness - осторожность; осмотрительность

"You remember the annual Bluebonnet Homes Tour?" she asked.
"Beason's Ferry's biggest festival?" He scowled. "How could I forget?"
scowl - хмуриться, хмурить брови, смотреть сердито, бросать сердитый взгляд

"Well, I'm on the fund-raising committee this year."
"And?" he prompted.
prompt - побуждать; толкать; вызывать (мысль и т. п.); подсказывать; внушать

She gave a heavy sigh. "You remember Janet Kleberg?"
"Big head but no brains. The cheerleader who made passes at me behind the school gym but wouldn't be caught dead talking to me in the hall? Yeah, I remember her."
cheerleader - общ. танцовщица из команды поддержки при профессиональных спортивных клубах (исполнительницы зажигательных танцев с элементами акробатики в перерывах между матчами); амер. капитан болельщиков (особ. на студенческих спортивных встречах)
make a pass - show that you feel romantic toward someone
wouldn't be caught dead - would not like to do it, would rather die than do it.

"That's not fair," she chided. "Janet would have given her eyeteeth to go out with you, as would most of the girls in this town. You're the one who snubbed them."
chided - бранить; упрекать; ворчать
give my eye teeth - give something valuable
go out with - be a boyfriend/girlfriend, date (date - свидание; человек, с которым назначено свидание, to date - назначать свидание, встречаться )
snub - относиться с пренебрежением; унижать; третировать

"I was just saving them the effort," he said. "So what's ol' Janet Kleberg up to these days?"
"Actually, it's Janet Henshaw now. She married Jimmy right after graduation."
"My condolences to both of them."
up to - planning, doing
condolence - соболезнование

"They're divorced."
"My congratulations, then."
"Anyway," she continued in an exasperated tone, "Janet is the chair of the fund-raising committee, and she's come up with a rather, uhm . . . imaginative idea."
"Spill it, Squirt.
exasperated - раздражённый; выведенный из себя; озлобленный
chair - амер. председатель
spill - проболтаться; сообщать; доносить; информировать
- найдены следующие значения:
a) An instrument, such as a syringe, used for squirting (squirting - выдавливание, выбрасывание сильной струей).
b) A squirted jet of liquid.
c) Slang. A small or young person.
d) Slang. An insignificant or contemptible person.
Принимаются ваши версии перевода.

He heard her take a big breath before she spoke in a rush, as she always did when she was nervous.
in a rush - в спешке,впопыхах

"They want to have a Dating Game reenactment, like the old TV show, the one that used to run when we were kids?"
"I'm familiar with the show." Brent checked the clock. He had eight minutes and twelve seconds until airtime.
reenact (re-enact) - to perform again, to enact again (enact - ставить на сцене; играть роль; происходить; разыгрываться)
air time (air-time) - эфирное время

He'd need exactly one minute, twenty-eight seconds to reach the set and take his seat.
"Yes, well." She cleared her throat. "They want to get a celebrity for the bachelor, so we can sell more tickets."
celebrity - знаменитый человек; знаменитость; звезда
bachelor - холостяк

"And?" He could feel the trap closing around him
"And, well, you are the nearest thing to a celebrity to ever come out of Beason's Ferry."
"Let me get this straight." He rubbed at the tension in his chest.
get this straight - understand what is said

"Back when I lived in that snobby little town, I couldn't have asked out a "decent' girl without the town fathers hauling me into some back alley for a little talking to. And now, just because I'm on the evening news, they want to pay money to watch me ask one of their daughters out on a date?"
"That's not exactly how I would have phrased it, but I see you get the general idea." She fell silent, as if waiting for his answer. "So," she asked at last, "will you do it?"
"Absolutely not."

There are a few grammatical differences between British English and American English [1]:

The present perfect is used for and action in the past with a result now: The present perfect or past simple can be used for and action in the past with a result now:
I've lost my key. Have you seen it? I've lost my key. Have you seen it?
or I lost my key. Did you see it?
Sally isn't here. She's gone out.

Sally isn't here. She's gone out. or She went out.

The present perfect is used with just, already and yet: The present perfect or past simple can be used:
A: What time is he leaving?
B: He has already left.
A: What time is he leaving?
B: He has already left or He already left.
Have you finished your work yet?

Have you finished your work yet?
or Did you finish you work yet?

The present perfect is used with ever and never for a period that continues until now: The present perfect or past simple can be used:
Have you ever ridden a horse? Have you ever ridden a horse?
or Did you ever ride a horse?
I don't know who she is. I've never seen her before. I don't know who she is. I've never seen her before.
or I never saw her before

a. When I went to bed, she was still working.
b. Paul is still here. He hasn't gone yet.
c. It happened a long time ago but I can still remember it.


Спасибо Марине А. и Ирине Т. за объяснение смысла "run interference" и за ссылку на сайт English Idioms.
run interference - protect from attack, come between the attacker and the victim.
(E.g.: We've been running interference for the President all week - people calling and demanding to speak with him about lying under oath). Иными словами, по-русски - "прикрывать", служить буфером.


Читайте в девятом выпуске образовательного еженедельника «Продвинутый English+»
1. Когда to try (стараться) необходимо употреблять с последующим инфинитивом, а когда с герундием.
2. Употребление артиклей с all, both, sort of, kind of, all day, number of, amount of и т.п.
3. Глаголы в каком числе требуют после себя выражения типа a number of, a lot of, the majority of, a group of, и т.п.
4. Различие в значении и употреблении altogether и all together.
5. Закрепление пройденного материала на большом количестве практических примеров.

Ответы на ваши вопросы в девятом выпуске образовательного еженедельника «Продвинутый English+»:

1. У меня есть вопрос, думаю, что не только одна из Ваших подписчиков мучается над ответом. При переводе на английский предложений типа 'Это что-то' я всегда сомневаюсь как правильно будет - this is something или it is something. Думаю, что наверняка есть какие-то определенные отличия между этими предложениями, только я их не чувствую.
2. Не могли бы вы привести пример приглашения на вечеринку в британском стиле

О журнале "Продвинутый English+" читайте в выпуске #101 от 22.02.05 и #88+ от 25.11.04

Архив рассылки находится здесь: АРХИВ

1. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

Комментарии и дополнения ко всем статьям выпуска приветствуются на thankssomuch@mail15.com.

Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовила Любовь Абрамова.

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