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Продвинутый English

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Выпуск #96
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Доброе время суток, коллеги! Сегодня мы трудимся по полной программе - повторяем, пополняем словарный запас, изучаем грамматику, поем "Мурку" на английском.

Повторим грамматику выпуска № 92 от 21.12.04 (т.к. материал месячной давности, в раздел GRAMMAR этого выпуска включены подсказки).

a) 'Have you seen .......... good films recently?' 'No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages.'
b) I didn't have ................. money, so I had to borrow ...............
c) Can I have ................. milk in my coffee, please?
d) I was too tired to do ................. work.
e) You can cash these traveller's cheques at .................. bank.
f) Can you give me ............... information about places of interest in the town?

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. Charles Dickens
useless - бесполезный, burden - ноша, бремя

Обратимся во второй раз к книге "Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard. Disney Enterprises, Inc." с целью узнать больше способов выражения времени и пополнить словарный запас.

One day, as Winnie the Pooh stood on the old wooden bridge that crossed the river that ran through the Hundred Acre Wood, he dropped a fir cone into the water.
fir cone - еловая шишка

Later that day Christopher Robin gathered everyone together to celebrate Eeyore’s birthday, and he brought a cake covered with pink sugar frosting.

In no time, the bees inside the tree created a mighty force and they pushed Pooh out of the hole, sending him shooting across the sky.
mighty - могучий, мощный
to shoot - одно из значений "бросать, кидать, швырять"

In a short time, Rabbit returned with Christopher Robin. “Cheer up, Pooh Bear. We’ll get you out.”
cheer up - не унывай! веселей!

Finally, in a very sticky voice, he excused himself. “I must be going now. Good-bye, Rabbit.”
sticky - сентиментальный, слезливый, слащавый
to excuse oneself - извиняться, оправдываться

When all seemed clear, Rabbit crept out of the log and called the others to join him. “You see? My splendid plan is working! Now we’ll go and save Tigger.”

Not long after that, Pooh and Piglet, Rabbit and Roo were all playing Pooh Sticks together. (обратите внимание на запятые в этом предложении)
stick - палка, ветка, брусок

It wasn’t long until Piglet found Eeyore sitting under the tree.
It wasn’t long before Tigger noticed he was alone.
It wasn’t long before word got to Christopher Robin that Tigger was in trouble.
be in trouble - быть в беде

Before long, winter came and transformed the Hundred Acre Wood into a playground of white fluffy snow.
fluffy - пушистый, мягкий, взбитый
Before he knew it, Rabbit was found, and bounced, by an old familiar friend. (обратите внимание на запятые и в этом предложении)

Повторим использование some и any:
1. In general we use some (also somebody/someone/something) in positive sentences and any (also anybody etc.) in questions and negative sentences.
2. But we use some in questions when we expect the answer 'yes'.
3. We use some in questions when we offer or ask for things. (примеры в № 92 от 21.12.04)

Дополнительная информация о использовании any из [1]:

"We often use any after it:

If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
If anyone has any questions, I'll be pleased to answer them.
Let me know if you need anything.

The following sentences have the idea of if:
I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. (= if I have caused any trouble)
Anyone who wants to do the exam must give me their names today.

We also use any in the meaning 'it doesn't matter which:
You can catch any bus. They all go to the centre. (=it doesn't matter which bus you catch)
'Sing a song.' 'Which song shall I sing?' 'Any song. I don't mind.' (= it doesn't matter which song)
Come and see me any time you want.
'Let's go out somewhere.' 'Where shall we go?' 'Anywhere. I don't mind.'
We've left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come in.

Compare something and anything:
A: I'm hungry. I want something to eat.
B: What would you like?
A: I don't mind. Anything. (= something, but it doesn't matter what)

Somebody/someone/anybody/anyone are singular words:
Someone is here to see you.
But we often use they/them/their after these words:
Someone has forgotten their umbrella. (= his or her umbrella)
If anybody wants to leave early, they can. (= he or she can)" [1]

Для любителей русского фольклора - "Мурка" на английском.
Сохранен текст первоисточника.

Now I tell the story how all this happened.
Murka was the girl and girl allright.
And in our district everybody missed her
When she was arrested late at night.

Once we went on business, me and Rabinovich,
Then we dropped at nearest restaurant-hall.
There was Murka sitting with Tommy, bloody bastard,
And she had a brouning, black and small.

First we wonna-gonna 'cause we were alone,
But suddenly a revenge came to mind.
In the dirty park-lines, where the people drink wine,
Our lovely Murka, you shall die.

How do you do, my Murka? How do you do, my darling?
How do you do, my darling, and goodbye...
You was** sold forever all our malina
And it is a reason you must die.

Rabinovich fired, but he missed of target.
Me was that who made a little shot.
I was brought to doctor but Rabinovich, sterva,
Quickly took the girl to drink on spot.

Blacky voronochek, and my heart is crying,
And my heart is crying in the night.
In the dirty park-lines where the people drink wine
Murka's body lying still but fine...

** - по правилам вместо "was" должно быть "have".

a) 'Have you seen any good films recently?' 'No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages.'
b) I didn't have any money, so I had to borrow some.
c) Can I have some milk in my coffee, please?
d) I was too tired to do any work.
e) You can cash these traveller's cheques at any bank.
f) Can you give me some information about places of interest in the town?

Исправим ошибку в выпуске №94 от 04.01.05. Спасибо Максиму.
Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring brings good luck, as it symbolizes "coming full circle" completing the year's cycle.

Читайте в третьем выпуске еженедельника «Продвинутый English+» 20.01.05.
1. Не совсем простые конструкции с so much.
2. Очень подробно о союзах so that и in order that с примерами из «Волшебника изумрудного города».
3. Употребление «трудных» слов: personal – personnel, principal – principle, stationary – stationery и другие; по вашим письмам еще раз и более подробно о паре complimentary-complementary.

О журнале "Продвинутый English+" читайте в выпуске #88+ от 25.11.04

Архив рассылки находится здесь: АРХИВ

1. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

Комментарии и дополнения ко всем статьям выпуска приветствуются на thankssomuch@mail15.com.

Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовила Любовь Абрамова.

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