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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

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A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #94
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

C наступающим вас Рождеством, дамы и господа!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!


"A good conscience is a continual Christmas." Benjamin Franklin.
conscience - совесть
continual - непрекращающийся

"A turkey never voted for an early Christmas." Irish Proverb.
turkey - индейка
to vote - голосовать

"At Christmas play and make good cheer,
For Christmas comes but once a year." Thomas Tusser.
cheer - веселье

"The parent who gets down on the floor to play with a child on Christmas Day is usually doing a most remarkable thing -- something seldom repeated during the rest of the year. These are, after all, busy parents committed to their work or their success in the larger society, and they do not have much left-over time in which to play with their children." Brian Sutton-Smith.

committed - преданный, приверженный чему-либо
left-over - неизрасходованный, неиспользованный


Изучим новогодние традиции и пополним словарный запас:
Примеры использования слов и выражений см. ниже.
common - общепринятый;
after the stroke of midnight - после того как пробьет полночь;
donuts - пончик, жареная пышка;
in many areas of the country - во многих районах страны;
by consuming - потреблением (в примере ниже - поеданием);
black-eyed peas - горошины с черными крапинками;
hog - свинья, свинина;
jowl - утолщение шеи, второй подбородок;
ham - ветчина;
resolution - резолюция, решение;
to resolve - решаться, принимать решение;
quit - бросать, прекращать, увольняться с работы;
individually - индивидуально;
community - общество;
considerate - внимательный к другим, деликатный, тактичный;
put at stake - ставить на карту, подвергать угрозе;
save following distances - безопасные интервалы между следующими друг за другом автомобилями;
designated - намеченный, назначенный.

It has been a traditional belief and practice that one could affect the luck they would have for the whole of the coming year by what they did or ate on the first day for the year. It has become common for people to celebrate the first few minutes of the new year in the company of family members and friends. New Year parties often lasts until the morning hours after the stroke of midnight.

It is a belief that traditional New Year foods bring luck. Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring bring good luck, as it symbolizes "coming full circle" completing the year's cycle. The Dutch for that reason believe that eating donuts on New Year's Day will bring good luck. In many areas of the country, the new year was celebrated by consuming black-eyed peas. These are accompanies typically with either hog jowls or ham. Cabbage too is considered as a good luck vegetable that is consumed by many on New Year's Day.

The New Year tradition include the making of New Year's resolutions. These are a list of decisions made for the coming year.
This tradition dates back to the ancient Babylonians. The early Babylonian's most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment.
Today, people resolve to lose weight or quit smoking.

As a community we must make a resolution to make our highways safer.
Individually each driver must resolve to drive in a safe and considerate manner.
Aggressive drivers must resolve to understand they are putting their lives and the lives of others at stake by driving in a manner that has no regard for speed limits and safe following distances.
People who choose to drink must resolve to have a designated driver or other means of transportation before doing so.
Parents must resolve to set the example for their children and teenagers who are future drivers.

Читайте во втором выпуске еженедельника «Продвинутый English+»:

1. Полнейший обзор способов употребления indeed на примерах из Гарри Поттера.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
2. Лексика и грамматика: it's me - only us, few - little, as much (many)…as…, twice (three times) as much (great, big, etc.) as…, to be fond of, vegetables but fruit, shout at - shout to, half (of) the money и прочее.
3. Употребление "трудных" слов: affect - effect, morale - moral, подробно о e.g. и i.e., compliment - complement, imply - infer, bare - bear, более подробно disinterested - uninterested или почему Лингво переводит эти два слова одинаково.
4. Анекдот, всю пошлость и, одновременно, юмор которого не понять, если ваш словарный запас невелик. Развлекаясь, проверьте себя.

О журнале "Продвинутый English+" читайте в выпуске #88+ от 25.11.04

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Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовила Любовь Абрамова.

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(c) 2003-2004 Ru-English Educational Project

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