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There has been a second night of rioting (учинение массовых беспорядков) in London. The violence (жестокость, насилие) follows the shooting last week
of a young black man by police. For a second night running some areas of London have seen sporadic (единичный, отдельный; случайный)rioting, burnt-out (выгоревший; сгоревший) cars; smashed windows and looters (мародёр) on what would otherwise (иначе) be normal shopping streets. Over a hundred
people were arrested on Sunday evening and three police officers are in hospital. Most attention is still focused on Tottenham where the worst rioting took place on Saturday night.
The trouble in this part of north London started after a young black man was shot dead by police last
week. There's now an Independent Police Complaints Commission inquiry (наведение справок; расследование) into that incident. But Tottenham is also one of the poorest areas of London with a history of racial tension (расовые противоречия). Today some members of the black community are pointing to other factors (указывать на другие факторы) - including (включая) the worry (тревога, волнение) that there aren't enough opportunities (возможность) for the young. But others feel there can be no attempts to explain away (приводить доводы в свою защиту) what happened.
Kit Malthouse is London's Deputy Mayor with responsibility for policing: "We have to be careful in the media and in politics not to create this atmosphere of excuse for what has happened. This is awful, disgusting (отвратительный) criminality (преступность) and it needs to be driven out by
communities, by the police. Those perpetrators (злоумышленник; правонарушитель)need to be brought to justice (справедливость) and they will be over the weeks to come." It is, of course, just a year to go before the Olympics come to London. As the countdown (обратный отсчёт времени) begins all eyes are on the capital. But incidents like this couldn't be more different from the images of a confident, harmonious (дружный, мирный)city in the promotional (рекламный)videos.
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