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Деловой английский Air France crash. Who's to blame?

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"   

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         Деловой Английский! 

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 Air France crash. Who's to blame? 

France's flight accident investigation bureau (бюро расследований) has indicated that pilot error may have played a part (играть роль) in the crash (авария; крушение) of an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris two years ago. The Airbus A330 fell more than 35,000 feet into the Atlantic ocean, killing all 228 on board.

This is not the final report into the causes of the crash, but with the new evidence (доказательство; свидетельство) from the flight recorders (бортовой регистратор; черный ящик), it's the most substantial (немаловажный; существенный) analysis to date - and what's new is a clear signal from the investigators that pilot error may have been partly to blame. 

The initial (исходный; первоначальный) problem it's now certain was the failure of outside speed monitors, which froze over. But in response to that, the bureau says, the three man crew failed to take the correct steps. The 32 year-old co-pilot who was at the controls kept the plane on an upward trajectory, which caused the plane to stall (сваливаться, потеряв скорость (о самолёте)). But even though a warning then sounded for nearly a minute, at no point, says the report, did the crew formally identify a stall situation. No announcement (объявление; сообщение) was made to the passengers as the plane then plunged for three and a half minutes before hitting the sea. 

The shifting (перемещение; перевод) of blame towards the pilots - and by implication away from the machinery of the plane - is a highly sensitive (щепетильный) matter, and Air France has already reacted angrily. It says there's no cause to question the professionalism of its crew, and pointing the finger at the manufacturer, Airbus, it says that confusing signals from the stall alarm system (система сигнализации) in the cockpit (кабина) hindered (мешать; препятствовать) the pilots in their task of analysing the crisis.


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