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China was bound to (должно быть) overtake (догнать, обогнать) the US in terms of (с учетом) total energy consumption (потребление) sooner or later, and according to IEA (international energy agency) calculations, it happened in 2009.
One long-term
(длительный, долговременный) factor behind this development (развитие) is China's population – more than four times that of the US – with a growing appetite (растущий аппетит) for consumer goods (товары широкого потребления) that need energy to use and to manufacture (производить).
The other key (ключевой) reason is China's rapid economic growth (быстрый экономический рост), an annual average (среднегодовое значение) of 10% over the last two decades, compared (сравнить) with a
much slower 2.6% in the United States. Much of China's economic growth has been in industry and construction (постройка), which are big energy users.
timing of China overtaking the US also reflects (отражать) the global financial crisis, which hit (ударять по) the American economy much harder and so had a bigger impact (удар) on the country's energy use.
China's new
lead in energy consumption (потребление) is yet another indicator(показатель) of its growing influence in the global economy especially in international energy markets.
But while China's total energy consumption has, according to the IEA, overtaken the US, it's still far behind in terms of energy use per person, by a factor
of more than three. Chinese officials (чиновники) have said the IEA's data are unreliable (ненадежный), and fail to account for what they call their relentless efforts (непрекращающиеся
попытки) to cut (сократить) energy use and emissions (выбросы, отходы).
The response probably reflects (отражать) China's sensitivity (чувствительность) to criticism of its growing global influence. But the IEA's analysis is not a criticism.
A senior official (высокопоставленное должностное лицо) at the agency described China's growing energy consumption as legitimate(легитимным), considering (принимая во внимание) its population.
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