Наша Школа английского языка предлагает вашему вниманию рассылку, цель которой - помочь специалистам в различных областях использовать английский язык в своей повседневной профессиональной практике. Мы расскажем вам о том, как вести деловую переписку, оформлять e-mail, письма с запросом информации и многое другое. Вы познакомитесь с основными выражениями, которые используются при ведении бизнеса в англоязычных странах и расширите свой лексический
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Aki / Japan Maybe, I'd like to do something with trading (торговля) maybe. I don't want to handle goods (управлять товаром, грузом), but maybe importing (ввоз), exporting (вывоз) stuff (род деятельности) like in between maybe Japan and the U.S. since I can speak both languages. Import-Export.
Helen / Canada I think I'd like to own (владеть) a bookshop because
I really like reading and I know a lot about books and actually a lot of times, when I go into secondhand book stores (отделы с б\у книгами), I think I would be really at choosing books. You know, when people come to you with like big suitcases full of books, I think I'd be pretty good at selecting the ones that would sell (продавать) and the ones that would not.
Lori / Canada I'd like to own a business that's connected with travel in some way. I love to travel myself so if I could find someway to combine (совмещать) my favorite hobby with a way to make money, that would be great.
Paul / England Yeah, I'd really like to have my own cafe, like a ... not just like a regular cafe. Like a cool cafe, like an arts cafe, and people can come in and read books, drink coffee. Just relax with some good music.
Lindsay / United States I would love to own a smoothie (фруктовый коктейль) business, because actually I really love smoothies, especially the banana flavored (со вкусом) smoothies and I think it would be a
good business to have. It would be fun. You could hire (нанимать) your friends, and also it's not enslaving the Third World (порабощение 3го мира). You could buy organic (органические, экологически чистые) fruit and make the fruit, and make smoothies and just make people happy.
Shalini / Canada I would own ... I would like to own a scuba diving (подводное плавание) / ayurvedic (аюрведический) spa type business which would be hopefully located (расположен
на) on a tropical island where one could enjoy the underwater world and also have a relaxing vacation learning about ayurvedic practices of eating and yoga.
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