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Chris / England I suppose there are advantages (преимущества) to
both, working for a small company, you might have more space (пространство) and more time to work on projects that you're interested in, but a big company, I suppose, you might think, you have more job security (гарантированная занятость), so on balance I think I'd prefer to work for a big company, but I've worked for
small companies in the past and there was a bit more freedom involved in (связано с) those jobs.
Aki / Japan Actually,
I want to try working in a big company. The first job I got, it was quite a small company. There were only about maybe one thousand people and my department (отдел) only had about six people in it and it was quite small. I had to work under (работать под чьим-л. руководством) the president which was quite stressful so, if I work in
a bigger company, I guess I don't really have to work under the president and go under all that stress.
Prae / Thailand For now I think I would like to work for a big company because I'm really new to the working ... because I'm a newly graduate (только выпустилась из университета) and I think it would be nice to learn all the system in the big company first.
Matthew / England I've worked for big companies and for small companies and they all have their own problems but in
general I prefer (предпочитать) working for small companies.
Lori / Canada Well, I'd rather have my own business to be honest (если быть честным), but if I had to choose (выбирать) between a big company and a small company, I think I'd prefer a small one because I think if you work for a big company often you get lost in the shuffle (теряешься в куче) and you become just a number rather than a real person, so if I had to choose, I'd go with the small one.
Eoin / England I used to think that a small company would be a much nicer environment (окружение) to work in but having
actually worked for a small company, now I'm much more in favor of (больше предпочитаю, за) a big companies and standard working hours and standard working conditions
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