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Tim: So, you know, we're talking a little bit about jobs. I'm kind of curious (несколько любопытно). Do you prefer working in a group or do you prefer working alone? Jeff: That's a tough question (сложный вопрос). Tim: It definitely is because there is good things about both. Jeff: That's right. That's right, so I guess I'm good at working by myself because I am self-motivated (целеустремленный) so if I am doing something I like and I can get it done quickly I like to do it by myself, but if I'm working with a good team (команда), a fun team, people who work hard and they all want to do a good job and get the job done well, then I think a team is fun,
but you need guys, you need people, men and women, who work hard (усердно работать) to do a good job so I prefer working in a team.
Tim: Yeah, well, that's understandable (понятно). How about, do you prefer working and having a
uniform (униформа) or do you prefer putting on (надевать) whatever you want to put on? Jeff: I think uniforms are pretty cool Tim: Oh, really. Jeff: I think if you have a uniform too, sometimes you get respect. If you are are fireman or a policeman, you tend to (стремишься) get a bit of respect from the public but I wouldn't want a cheesy uniform
(плохая, некрасивая форма одежды) with, you know, sort of like a strange hat or a funny looking bowtie (галстук-бабочка). I wouldn't be into that, so.
Tim: Have you had any jobs with uniforms? Jeff: Any jobs with uniforms? No, I don't think I ever had. If you call a shirt and tie a uniform, then yeah, but no, no funny hats or bowties or anything. Tim: So, how about a working schedule (режим рабочего дня)? Would you prefer working a flexible schedule (гибкий график) with like flex time, or would you prefer set hours (установленное время): come at this time, finish at this time. Jeff: Definitely,
definitely flex hours. Tim: Yeah, why is that?
Jeff: I think that a nine-to-five job is difficult to do. If you want to take some holidays, be with your family,
or go on a vacation, or if the surfs up (высокие волны) and it's a nice day you can go and just grab your board (взять доску) and go for surf (заниматься серфингом) but if you're on a nine-to-five job, you have no flexibility so definitely flex hours. Tim: So we are talking a little bit about hours. Do you prefer being paid by the hour (почасовая оплата) or do you prefer a salary (заработная плата)? Jeff:
I think salary maybe is a better way to go because then if take holidays you get paid and if you're working paid by the hour, that style of work, you can't take anytime off (взять выходной) because you know when you're not working, you're not getting paid so I think salary is a good way to go but as long as I'm getting paid, I don't really mind which way it is. Tim: Yeah, that's understandable.
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