Добрый день, уважаемый читатель. Наш Центр по обучению английскому языку предлагает вашему вниманию рассылку, цель которой - помочь специалистам в различных областях использовать английский язык в своей повседневной профессиональной практике.
В рассылке мы расскажем вам о том, как вести деловую переписку, оформлять e-mail, письма с запросом информации и многое другое. Мы покажем вам основные выражения, используемые при ведении бизнеса в англоязычных странах, правила составления резюме, а так же много другой интересной и полезной информации.
Tom: Jess, usually when I see you, you're sitting at the computer checking your e-mail (проверять почту). How many times a day do you check it?
Jess: I honestly don't count (считать), but many, many times. Definitely(определенно) more than twenty times a day. It's not really necessary. It's not like (не
то чтобы) I have millions of e-mails coming into my account (мой ящик) every day, but I'm very impatient(нетерпеливый) and I hate waiting for responses or waiting for something that I'm expecting so I'll check my e-mail so that I can receive (получать) it as soon as it's sent. How
about you? Do you check your e-mails often?
Tom: I suppose I check once a day, and if I have any mail, it will be one or two weeks before I'll reply (отвечать на) to it. I'm really bad at keeping in touch (поддерживать контакт). I've got accounts at Facebook and MySpace and Hi5, all these social networking sites (социальные сети),
but I almost never log on (входить в систему)... I got a message the other day, a friend telling me, I'm a boring (скучный) Facebooker. It's official because I haven't updated (обновлять) my profile in so long.
Jess: Why don't you? Is it that you haven't got enough time?
Tom: I have got so much free time. I think it's just because I'm very lazy (ленивый).
I take photos. I meet people. I do things. I just don't feel the need to tell everyone about it at the end of the day. My family have kind of gotten used to (привыкать) it now. They know that I'll get in contact when they're likely to see me in the next few months, or I'll get in contact if there's a birthday or a baby, but apart from that, I really don't keep in touch very well.
Jess: Apart from e-mail, neither do I. I did join Facebook a couple of years ago when all of my friends did and everyone was sending me links (ссылки) to join, and I created my profile (создать страницу), but to be honest, it's too much for me to have more than one thing to check that many times a day, so usually I stick to e-mail (привыкать)for communication. Yes, I do check it a lot, but I think if I started checking Facebook as regularly, I wouldn't have time to
do the things I need to every day.
Tom and Jess talk about e-mail, social networking sites and time on the computer.
1) Jess checks her e-mail _______ times a day.
a) just a few b) about ten c) over twenty
2) Tom says he is bad at _______.
a) replying to people b) checking his e-mail c) doing his work
3) His friend says he is boring because he never _____ .
a) takes photos b) says anything interesting c) updates his site
4) Tom's family knows he prefers ________ .
to write letters on paper b) get in touch on special occasions c) to talk on the phone
5) Jess likes to use _____ for communication.
twitter b) facebook c) e-mail
Answers: 1-C ; 2-A; 3-C; 4-B; 5-C
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В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.
Вечерние занятия: понедельник – среда – пятница с 19 до 22 часов; вторник – четверг с 19 до 22 часов и суббота с 10 до 13 часов. Вы также можете проходить обучение в утреннее или дневное время.