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Good afternoon!

Read the extract from a report written by the Head of Retail Operations of MGS Bank about the future of the branches.

A market research survey of over 2,700 customers conducted for one of our competitors showed that 52% of them prefer using a bank branch to using the telephone or the internet. It also showed that 45% of customers in the richer AB social group - the customers I feel we should be particularly interested in - also preferred to use bank branches. I believe this is also true of younger customers, the ones you'd expect to use the internet.

I have the feeling that younger customers are also more likely to be responsive to the design of the branches, so I think we should test sample designs with younger customers.

Research has demonstrated that well-designed branches attract more customers, who then buy more banking products, but location and staffing are also important. It seems to me that opening new branches in shopping centres would soon become profitable, despite the high rents. Some of our competitors now have coffee shops in the bank; this is something we should copy, in my view. Having friendly staff behind the counter is also extremely important, and I'm inclined to think that a small percentage of our staff need some training in the respect.

We also have a lot of data revealing that our customers - though not our staff - want us to open longer hours, until 6 pm from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday mornings. We will have to start negotiating with the staff about this.


survey исследование

competitor соперник, конкурент

particularly в частности

customer клиент

research исследование

branch отрасль

staffing численность персонала

profitable прибыльный

to be inclined быть склонным, расположенным

Have a good business week!

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