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Hello our dear readers!

Ethics are the main point of our issue today.

Ethics are moral beliefs about what is right and wrong, and the study of this. Some actions are not criminal, but they are morally wrong: unethical. Areas where choices have to be made about right and wrong, behaviour are ethical issues. Some organizations have a code of ethics or code of conduct where they say what their managers' and employees' behaviour should be, to try to prevent them behaving unethically.

Here's the part from the speech that was made by CEO of the Scandinavian Investment Bank Sven Nygren "Ethical Investment".

Investors are more and more concerned about where their money is invested. We take ethical investment very seriously. We don't invest, for example, in arms companies or tobacco firms. Environmental or green issues are also very important.

Recently we were involved in a project to built a large dam in the Asian country of Paradiso. We discovered that large numbers of farming people would be forced to leave the area flooded by the dam, and that the dam would also be environmentally damaging, reducing water supplies to neighbouring countries. it was green activists from the environmental organization Green Awareness who told us this. We withdrew from the project and tried to persuade other organizations not to invest in it. We didn't want to damage our reputation for ethical investment.


ethics правила порядочности, этика

ethical issues принятые нормы поведения

to be concerned беспокоиться

green issues вопросы экологии, проблемы окружающей среды

to be forced быть вынужденным

to reduce сокращать, уменьшать

withdraw отзывать, отводить, прекращать

to persuade убеждать, склонять

Have a good business week!

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