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Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good evening!

Today we propose you to read the following dialogue in order to practice your English.

Tim: Hey, can I get a little facetime?

Randall: Sure, let's dialogue.

Tim: Great. I tried to ping you earlier, but you weren't in.

Randall: Yeah, I had to handle some pushback on my proposal.

Tim: Really, why was that?

Randall: Well, I've come up with a number of synergies in the value chain. My value proposition was to seamlessly integrate our customer service reps.

Tim: Sounds like a win-win. How long is the ramp-up?

Randall: That's the problem. I projected a roll-out in two months. C-level people want to dial-in the project in two weeks.

Tim: ...but you're proposing an end-to-end solution!

Randall: Yeah, I know. I had the time-frame mapped out for all the deliverables, too.

Tim: Sometimes you have to wonder about high-level management's capabilities to leverage people like you!

Randall: You're much too kind! Anyway, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?

Tim: Nothing much, I just wanted to give you a heads-up on some performance management issues I've been having with Pete.

Randall: No room to breathe?

Tim: You've got it ....

Key Vocabulary

facetime (noun)- time together

to dialogue (verb) - to speak

to ping (verb) - to contact someone

pushback (noun) - to object to, complain about

synergies (noun) - combinations in efforts that improve something

value chain (noun) - the group of processes that provide something positive

value proposition (noun) - the improvement idea

seamlessly (adverb) - flowing smoothly

to integrate (verb) - to include in a process

win-win (noun, also used as an adjective) - successful outcome for everyone involved

ramp-up (noun, also used as a verb) - time it takes to do something

roll-out (noun, also used as a verb) - time it takes to do something

C-level (adjective) - upper management, directors

to dial-in (verb) - time it takes to do something

end-to-end (adjective) - complete

time-frame (noun) - amount of time needed

to map out (verb) - to plan

deliverables (noun) - specific improvements or products to be made

to leverage (verb) - to take advantage of something

heads-up (noun) - notice of something

performance management (noun) - way of managing someone

Have a good business week!

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- м. Цветной Бульвар, ул.Садовая-Самотечная,д.13, офис 413;

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