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Good morning!

Today let's discuss the process of carrying out design work.

The first thing you do is discussing the amount of work. So let’s look through the following dialogue and see the way it can be performed:

Supplier: I think we can get down to business right away.

Customer: Very good. Let’s start. On the whole draft suits us quite well, but before there are some points we’d like to raise today.

Supplier: All right. Shall we go point by point then, or is there anything that you’d like to discuss first?

Customer: Yes, first comes amount of work. Could you prepare working drawings along with DPR (Detailed Project Report)? That would ease things around and reduce the total time limits.

Supplier: Well, that’s a big project and that’s why Working Drawings come as a separate stage. But in this case there is some benefit for you too.

Customer: Could you be more specific please? Just to show how we shall benefit by this.

Supplier: Certainly. In a DPR we usually give the amount of construction work. And with the help of detailed specifications attached to the DPR you’ll be able to decide exactly what kind of equipment and materials you will provide yourselves, even at that stage.

Customer: This does sound very attractive, I must say.

Supplier: Good! May I suggest a break now?

Customer: No objections.

Have a good business week!

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