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Today we are going to learn some information about starting presentations.

Introducing yourself you can use next phrases:

-On behalf of myself and Focus Advertising, I'd like to welcome you. My name's Sven Larsen.

-Hi, I'm Dominique Lagrange. Good to see you all.

When you want to introduce the topic, you should say:

-This morning, I'd like to outline the campaign concept we've developed for you.

-I'm going to tell you about the ideas we've come up with for the ad campaign.

When you need to give background information, just say:

-I'll give you the background and talk you through the results of the market study.

-I've divided my presentation into three parts.

When you finish your presentation, usually you invite questions:

-If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to interrupt me.

-If you're not clear about anything, go ahead and ask any questions you want.

Hope you will use these phrases. Have a good business week!

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