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Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good day!

Today we want you to learn some useful phrases that you can apply while having a telephone conversation.

When you answer the phone, usually you say:

- Hello, John Black speaking.

Or you would say:

- Good morning, Datatech Ltd.

When you need to make a contact, you should do it by saying:

- Could I have the sales department please?

When you need to identify yourself, just say:

- This is/ My name’s Maria Voroncova.

Stating the purpose is usually done in this way:

- I’m calling about your invoice.


- The reason I’m calling is…..

Sometimes you can’t clearly hear what is said, especially names. Then you can ask the following:

- Could you spell that?

- Can I read that back to you?

If you need some information, say this:

- Could I have your name?

- Can I take your number?

Of course you need to show you understand what is said:

- Right.

- OK. That’s fine.

And finally you can end the call like this:

- Thanks for you help. Goodbye.

- Thanks for calling.

Hopefully, this information will help you in your business!

See you soon.

Задать нам вопросы вы можете через сайт: www.fast-english.ru

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Чтобы ознакомиться с нашей методикой преподавания и нашими учителями – запишитесь на бесплатный вводный урок по телефонам 8 (495) 517 63 04 или 507 35 04. Приходите – будет интересно!

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