Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода:
не указан
With more than 14,000 employees located in Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe as well as Asia FM Logistic ensures the optimization of Key Players in Industry, Food, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals as well as Major Distributors.
Come join us and participate in our development!
After your personalized integration and training course, you will discover our Company through a technical job in which you will analyze physicals and IT flows looking for continuous improvement and support to operational managers. This key transverse position will allow you to be in daily contact with all the services of the Company.
Through dedicated programs, especially via “FM University”, we will prepare your evolution on a 3/5 years perspective to operational and managerial responsibilities (Warehouse Manager, Transport Manager, Activity Director…). Your success will lead you to a further step of a position of business unit manager within the Group. You will benefit from our know-how as far as the development of our employees has always been at the heart of our Company policy and values.
This position is located in Khmki, close to Moscow
Postgraduate (High school or top university), 2 – 5 years of experience, your first convincing successes have confirmed your professional projects.
You’re looking to get involved permanently in an important company with a strong and sustainable growth strategy.
You are fluent in English, knowing of another language would be an asset.
You are mobile within Russia and planning to run an international mobility.
Do you recognize yourself in this ambitious challenge?
Please send your application file (CV + Motivation letter) in English using the Job Reference Code TALW/RUS/11.
Please note, as the Recruitment is done on Corporate level (France) profiles will be considered only in English.
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода:
от 23 000
до 78 000
Уважаемые соискатели!
Успешно работающий холдинг открыл новое подразделение продаж и собирает команду самых ответственных и трудоспособных сотрудников
Вашими обязанностями будет:
Продавать услуги страхования (Каско, Осаго) по телефону
Не боятся общаться с владельцами дорогих автомобилей
Находить контакт с любым клиентом
Продавать много, активно и весело
Учиться новым методам общения
Кого мы ищем:
Самокритичного сотрудника с чувством юмора
Предпочтителен возраст от 20 до 35 лет, а на самом деле это не принципиально рассмотрим всех, постоянное проживание в Москве от года, наличие образования .
Что мы готовы предложить:
Возможность быстрого карьерного роста
Стабильную заработную плату по 2-м мотивациям оклад/проценты
Соблюдение ТК РФ, а именно больничный, отпускные
Куратора, который будет поддерживать Вас в период стажировки и адаптации в новом коллективе