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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Английский Клуб на Арбате

В эту пятницу, как обычно, в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем Английском Коммуникационном Клубе на Арбате http://englishclub.org.ru/ Приходите в Клуб, если вы уже умеете говорить на английском. Если еще не умеете, быстрейший способ выучить английский язык - Школа Шальнова http://shalnov.ru/school/ и ее обучающие программы.

В группе, которую веду я, будут обсуждаться две темы:

Men and women, who needs who and what for?

Imagine… We have as much money as we need, so everything is done for us by itself. Nobody is going to attack us, and we don’t need any protection. So, we have some questions now…

1) What do we need men for?
2) What do we need women for?
3) What do we need children for?
4) Does there exist something that is given to men by nature and not given to women? What are men’s advantages?
5) Does there exist something that is given only to women, except for their ability to bring children and nurse them? What are their advantages?

6) Do men need those women who don’t need men?
7) Do women need those men who don’t need them?
8) If a woman showed you that she doesn’t need you, will you try to build any relations with her?
9) If a man showed you that he doesn’t need you, will you try to build any relations with him?

Is the opposite sex doesn’t value your sex, what can be a solution?

10) Should we teach the opposite sex to be human? Is it possible?
11) Should we choose homosexuality? Why don’t we accept that solution?
12) Should we choose asexuality or sex without any love?
13) Can those solutions be combined?

14) Are those questions important? What way will understanding influence your life?

Are you happy to be Russian?

1) Does Russia deserve to be respected? Yes, it does, because it has nuclear weapon?
2) Do you really need to respect your state? What do you think of those who do need? Of those who do not need?
3) Why do you need to be a part of a great nation and its great project? Or is it only your private life what matters for you?
4) What could be Russia’s national idea?
5) Will Russia ever be accepted by the world community? Does Russia really need it?
6) Can Russia become a superpower once more? What must be done for that?
7) Do you have lots of friends?
8) Do you like your city?
10) Are you happy with your life?


Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы.

Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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