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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Английский Коммуникационный Клуб на Арбате

В эту пятницу, как обычно, в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем Английском Коммуникационном Клубе на Арбате http://englishclub.org.ru/ Приходите в Клуб, если вы уже умеете говорить на английском. Если еще не умеете, быстрейший способ выучить английский язык - Школа Шальнова http://shalnov.ru/school/ и ее обучающие программы.

В группе, которую веду я, будут обсуждаться две темы:

Uncommon relations

Some of those relations seem to be very strange, queer and suspicious. We usually dislike some of them. But why should we dislike them if they don't interfere with our life? Or do they interfere?

1) Young man and mature woman
2) Young woman and mature man
3) Polyamory (multipartnered relationships and families)
4) A boy of fifteen or younger and a woman. A girl of fifteen or younger and a man. Love without sex between them. Sex relations.
5) Homosexual relations and marriages
6) Incomplete families
7) Swinging
8) Prostitution as an avocation, as a destination
9) BDSM-relations (sadism, masochism and so on)
10) Striptease
11) Nudism
12) Virtual love without trying to meet in the reality
13) Asexuality

Conflicts and guilt

1) Is it true that in any conflict both sides are always guilty?
2) Should I consider any conflict to be mea culpa?
3) By what criteria can we decide who is right and who is wrong?
4) Do you try to understand your opponent? Do you want him to understand you? Can you say to your opponent what he thinks in such words that he will agree that he is understood right?
5) Are people always aware of their motives? Are they responsible for motives they are nor aware of?
6) Should we always forgive people their debts, as Christians suggest? Is it so even when someone does not recognize one's debts?
7) Will unresolved conflicts mean something in the afterlife world?
8) Do you want bad people to go to hell and to pay for what they have done?


Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы.

Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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