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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Как обычно, в эту пятницу в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем коммуникационном клубе на Арбате http://englishclub.org.ru/

В моей группе будут обсуждаться две темы:

Should all religions be tolerated?

1) What’s the difference between ideology and religion?
2) Is Nazism a religion? Should it be tolerated?
3) Is nationalism a religion? Should it be tolerated?
4) Should communism be tolerated?
5) Is atheism a religion?
6) If there are atrocities in the history of a religion, is it enough to ban this religion?
7) If religion’s sacred scripture describes atrocities as godly deeds, should that religion be banned?
8) Referring to the two previous points, should Christianity be banned?
9) Referring to the same arguments, should democracy be banned?
10) Should Islam be banned with its sharia laws, with its polygamy and with its terrorism?
11) Should totalitarian sects be banned?
12) Should demonstrative attributes of religions be banned in public places?
13) Should things like circumcision be accepted?
14) Is tolerance a virtue? Isn’t it a choice of cowards and losers who are doomed to be beaten?

Is it dangerous to study psychology and explore our life?

1) And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
2) To really understand things means to understand Good and Evil, and for that you will have to participate in their confrontation. Isn’t it dangerous?
Being stupid is a kind of self-protection and self-defense. It’s also a means of attack and offence, isn’t it?
4) If you understand people and things too well, people will be afraid of you, won’t they?
5) If you are too smart, people will probably try to punish you for your superiority, won’t they?
6) If you see how disgusting it is be too be an idiot, you will never have some advantages idiots have.
7) Right conclusions may lead to wrong ways of living. Right thought: our time is precious. What will be the conclusions? Are they as right as the right premise?
8) Instead of studying life, isn’t it better to study how to earn money to buy a good apartment?
9) You began to feel the real joy of knowledge and then suddenly stopped the exploration of life, how will it effect your karma?

"See here, Jonathan," said his father, not unkindly. "Winter isn't far away. Boats will be few, and the surface fish will be swimming deep. If you must study, then study food, and how to get it. This flying business is all very well, but you can't eat a glide, you know. Don't you forget that the reason you fly is to eat."

Jonathan nodded obediently. For the next few days he tried to be behave like the other gulls; he really tried, screeching and fighting with the flock around the piers and fishing boats, diving on scraps of fish and bread. But he couldn't make it work.


Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы.

Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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