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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Как обычно, в эту пятницу в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем коммуникационном клубе на Арбате http://englishclub.org.ru/

В моей группе будут обсуждаться две темы:

Animal experimentation

1) -- It is necessary to experiment on animals if we want to develop medical science and new drugs. If we don’t test drugs on animals we have to test them on humans. Is it normal to test drugs on men, women, children? What about testing on criminals?
1) -- Who said that human rights are more sacred than animal rights? If humans want to experiment on somebody, let them experiment on themselves.

2) -- There exist human ways of experimenting: avoiding unnecessary experiments, using anesthesia, creating good conditions for experimental animals and so on.
2) -- On practice it won’t work. If people are permitted to make experiments on animals, there will be unnecessary experiments, cruel experiments, bad conditions, and so on.

3) -- If we are going to protect animal rights, we have first to forbid slaughter of animals that is practiced always and everywhere.
3) -- Animal experiments are more disgusting than slaughter.

4) -- Experiments on animals protect humans from a lot of suffering. If you have drugs you can save children, if you don’t have drugs, children will dye.
4) -- Whether you will be healthy or not depends on your karma. If you managed to avoid suffering one way, you will suffer another way. If you make evil, by experimenting on animals, you will have to pay for that.

5) -- The only way to develop science and medicine and prolong human life is making experiments on animals and then on humans.
5) -- First we experiment on animals, then on human embryos, then we practice transplantation, then we buy organs from people who suffer from poverty, then we sentence criminals to death to take their organs, then we buy organs of people killed in other countries, then we kill people for their organs. We have to stop those practices from the beginning!

Why do people lie?

1) Do people who never lie exist in nature? Is it possible not to lie at all?
2) Is it natural to lie in critical situation?
3) If you never lie, at least, you are original. Isn’t it an argument never to lie?
4) Is it comfortable to live with somebody who never lies? Do you want to be one with whom it is comfortable to live?
5) Is it comfortable to live with somebody who never afraid to tell the truth and doesn’t care too much about your reactions on it?
6) What do you think of imposing the truth?
7) If your lie is a kind of art, should it be respected? Can you give examples of such a lie?
8) What do you think of stupid, primitive, routine lie?
9) What is worse, to lie, hiding one’s eyes, or to lie impudently and boldly?
10) Are Russians relatively honest people?
11) Who are better liars, men or women?


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Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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