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The Australian government has approved the
importation of 8 elephants. Environmental groups are challenging
the decision saying that it is cruel to keep elephants in zoos.
This report from Phil Mercer:
The eight elephants destined for
zoos in Sydney and Melbourne have been in
quarantine in Thailand since last October. After
months of deliberation Australia's environment
minister, Ian Campbell, has approved their importation and
they are due to arrive later this year.
Wildlife campaigners have insisted that
scientific evidence has proved that elephants in zoos don't breed
well and suffer a wide range of health problems. On
top of that, it's claimed they die at a younger age
than those living in the wild or kept in parks. Nicola Beynon
from the Humane Society International is hoping legal action
here in Australia will force the government to reverse its
Nicola Benyon:
"Conservation groups, animal welfare groups in Australia,
in Thailand and internationally are exceptionally
disappointed with this decision. We think the minister has had
to bend the rules of his environment laws to make this decision
and we're launching
an appeal in the administrative appeals
The government in Canberra is allowing these Asian elephants
into Australia as part of a conservation programme which it
believes will help safeguard
the species. The population of these magnificent animals has
been decimated over
the past century. It's estimated that fewer than 34,000 now
remain across a dozen countries.
Phil Mercer, BBC
destined for
going to
in quarantine
in a secure place away from other animals to prevent the
possible spread of any diseases
After months of deliberation
After months of thinking about and discussing
mate and produce children
On top of that
also, as well
launching an appeal
beginning a legal process to try to change a decision that has
already been made
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