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Аспирант и Соискатель

а вот и нет - философия и иностранный 10 лет, специальность - 5 лет


-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

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Ответить   "alena abramova" Thu, 16 Sep 2004 09:13:47 +0300 (#229303)



В каждой стране прописываются свои сроки защиты кондидатской, а также
ограничего количество этих самых защит. Насколько я знаю, в Азербайджане,
например, можно лишь 3 раза пробовать защититься, после чего работа просто
признаётся негодной. Не знаю, как в России. У кого есть конкретная инфа,
может поделиться)) Думаю, она всем пригодится ))
Всем удачи!

Original Message From: "alena abramova" <abbie20***@u*****.net>
To: "job.education.aspirant (3384195)" <teymur.akhund***@b*****.az>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:13

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а вот и нет - философия и иностранный 10 лет, специальность - 5 лет


Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

http://subscribe.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/feedback

-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
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Ответить   "Teymur Akhundov" Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:56:01 +0500 (#229309)


Наскольку мне извесно, все зависит от оценки. Если оценка отличная
(5), то срока жизни она не имеет.

-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
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Ответить   Thu, 16 Sep 2004 14:24:58 +0300 (#229441)


Здравствуйте, Ткачук.

Вы писали 16 сентября 2004 г., 14:24:58:

"Срока жизни не имеет" - это так, сразу аннулируется, что ли? ;-)

Ответить   Sergey Lukyanov Thu, 16 Sep 2004 21:26:42 +0300 (#229672)


Добрый день!

16.09.2004 Вы написали мне письмо:
Тема: "[aspirant] Re: кандидатские и защита"

В Беларуси срок действия экзамена по специальности экономика - 1 год.
17.09.2004 - 8:20

С уважением, Славников Дмитрий.
*WWW: http://slavnikov.cjb.net
E-mail: slavnikov***@t*****.by
Mobile: (+375 29) 629-30-43
ICQ: 115041944
*-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant/msg/229826

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
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Ответить   "Dmitry V. Slavnikov" Fri, 17 Sep 2004 08:22:01 +0400 (#229826)


My name is Valentin Nastasenko. I am a professor of Kherson State Technical
University (Ukraine) and Maharishi Vedic University member, siddha (2001). I
am the author of a number of discoveries of secondary determinations of
fundamental physical constants of Planks level (including - constant of
force |Fp| = c4/G = 1.21033?1044 N; constant of power Wp = c5/G =
=3.62847?1052 W; constant of energy Ep = ?(THc5/G) = 1.95613?109 J and
others), which were obtained basing on primary of 3-th fundamental physical
constants: - the speed of light in vacuum c = 0.299792458?109 m/s.
gravitational constant G = 6.67390?10-11m3/(kg?s2) and Plank circular
constant TH = 1.05457266?10-34 J?s. I have proved the reality of the
secondary of fundamental physical constants as characteristic of Plank
spheres of the Universe covering lager by lager all its space (You can see
of article: Nastasenko V. ``Standard of Mass in Elements of Quantum Physics''
// Mashinostroyeniye and Tekhnosphere on Rubege XXI Century. Collection of
works of the VII - International Scientific and Technical Conference -
Donetsk (UA), DonSTU, 2000,V1,-p.95-100).
I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that in 2004 the scientists of
the USA are very close to achieving the temperature of absolute zero (0K).
However, within the principle of duality adequate to the Vedic principle:
``Less than least is more than the largest'', the achievement of some zero
factor leads to obtaining infinite magnitude of the factor opposite it that,
why for the dual pair heat-cold the achievement 0K will cause infinite heat
somewhere. The analysis of matter of Plank level made on the basis of
fundamental physical constants shows that energy Ep = 1.95613?109 J is
released at this. Taking into account the time which will be necessary for
releasing the energy (tp =? (THG/c5) = =5.39109?10-44 s), the force of
explosion will reach the magnitude Wp = 3.62847?1052 W, but it exceeds the
force of exposition of all nuclear weapon created on the Earth.
As the release of the given energy will take place at the same place, where
0K will be achieved (resulting from the principle of duality, dual factors
are mutually perpendicular) the threat of planetary scope arises. The
process of releasing this energy is similar to the principle of laser - the
pumping out of energy in cryogenic systems continues for a certain period of
tame (according to out calculations for about full day) and the return on
the account of the lager of Plank thickness lp = ?(THG/c3) = 1.61621?10-35 m,
connected with the adequate wave length of the Universe gravitation field
takes place immediately.
It is necessary to take into consideration that to achieve 0K is no
technically barrier, the problem - is great expenses for the pumping-out of
energy. However, it may be solved on the 26-th...28-nd of December 2004
in connection with the launching of two USA electric power stations being
built 5 days earlier then the terms fixed (the producers will get their
surplus profit all the same even if this station works during one day to
carry out this experiment).
As the achievement of 0K has no practical use but has only scientific
interest (the scientists would like to know what it will lead to) the answer
is known before - head within the principle of duality - explosively
dangerous supply of energy Wp = c5/G = 3.62847?10 52 W, may take place. It
demands revising the advisability of carrying out this experiment and we ask
you to warn the scientists through mass media and as well to draw public
Answer on the paper, please E-mail:
Professor V.A.Nastasenko
Maharishi Vedic University and State Technical University Kherson (Ukraine)
October 15, 2004

-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant/msg/247733

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
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Ответить   Wed, 20 Oct 2004 06:32:38 +0300 (#247733)