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Технологии разведки для бизнеса
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Новый адрес для корреспонденции
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Новые статьи ...Россияне пошли по проторенному во многих странах мира пути. К методам бизнес-разведки прибегают все крупные компании мира, решая таким образом широкий спектр вопросов - от планируемого запуска новинок в компаниях-конкурентах и раскрытия их "фишек" общения с клиентами до устранения угроз недружественного поглощения. "Буквально на неделе звонит нам наш постоянный клиент... Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Helpdesk
Рекомендуем всем нашим контрагентам взять за привычку использование нового сервиса, что однозначно повысит эффективность взаимодействия. Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Как выжить на конкурентном рынке: организация системы безопасности бизнеса
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Незримые солдаты конкурентной борьбы Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Кризис кормит черных пиарщиков Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Двойной удар Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Проверка подлинности документов соискателя Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Использование технологий конкурентной разведки в информационных войнах
it2b [Bot] > Actulligence: Does Big Pharma Know How to Play (a Strategic Game)? An Interview with Wayne RosenkransLe web invisible ou le web profond c'est quoi?
Les pages sГ©curisГ©es comprennent toutes les bases de donnГ©es professionnelles, les sites nГ©cessitant un login / password, un abonnement, et les profils de rГ©seaux sociaux type Facebook accessibles uniquement lorsque vous disposez d'un compte et / ou que vous ГЄtes cooptГ©. Elles comprennent aussi les pages pour lesquelles le webmaster utilise le fichier robots.txt ou bien encore les commandes de type "no follow". Les document trop volumineux sont principalement des documents types bureautiques dont la taille en Mo dГ©passe un certain volume et Google (et les autres moteurs n'indexent donc que partiellement le contenu afin de ne pas surcharger leur index.) Les pages orphelines sont des pages vers lesquelles aucune autre page accessible par les moteurs de recherche ne fait de lien. Les pages gГ©nГ©rГ©es dynamiquement ne sont pas Г proprement parler non indexГ©es par les moteurs de recherche (Google en tГЄte). En effet aujourd'hui, ce qu'on appelle pages dynamiques est gГ©nГ©ralement indexГ© par Google. En effet tous les CMS, blogs et autres sont ce qu'on appelle dynamiques, c'est Г dire que la page rГ©sultante est gГ©nГ©rГ©e et interprГ©tГ©e Г la volГ©e et qu'elle n'est pas un fichier statique. Mais toutefois, certaines pages dynamiques ne sont pas accessibles facilement via les moteurs de recherche. En effet, historiquement, Google n'aime pas particuliГЁrement les URL Г rallonge comportant un nombre important de paramГЁtres (ce qui suit un point d'interrogation dans une URL) et par ailleurs, les pages rГ©sultant d'un formulaire de requГЄte en POST (formulaires d'interrogation de bases de donnГ©es par exemple). De plus, les formats de fichiers ne sont pas encore indexГ©s par les moteurs de recherche qui se partagent le marchГ© du search online...mГЄme si ces derniers se font de plus en plus rare... On peut ensuite rajouter Г ce web invisible tous les fichiers que les moteurs de recherche blacklistent pour cause de non respect de leurs rГЁgles : duplicate content (plusieurs fois le mГЄme contenu ou presque derriГЁre plusieurs URL), de cloaking (renvoyer une version diffГ©rente de page Г un moteur de recherche et Г un internaute), ou de spamdexing (multiplication de mots clГ©s cachГ©s de faГ§on Г berner les moteurs de recherche). Le web invisible comporte aussi des barriГЁres plus locales : en effet certains sites ne sont accessibles que si vous vous connectez d'un certain pays. Typiquement Google vous renvoie des rГ©sultats diffГ©rents selon l'endroit d'oГ№ vous vous connectez.... Exemple aussi, certains sites gouvernementaux amГ©ricains ne sont accessibles que si vous vous connectez d'un proxy en sol amГ©ricain. CГґtГ© multimГ©dia, et bien que cela progresse, les vidГ©os et images sont accessibles mais souvent par rapport au contenu textuel qui les entourent. On a donc un web invisible partiel sur ce type de documents puisque c'est l'environnement qui en est indexГ© et non pas le contenu audio et vidГ©o. A noter, Google risque de rГ©duire le web profond sur la partie images Г©tant donnГ© qu'il va se mettre Г ocГ©riser les images et pdf ne disposant pas d'une couche texte. De mГЄme les contenus Г©manant de technologies propriГ©taires ou exotiques (javascript de liens complexes, contenu AJAX, mais aussi contenu Flash - quoique..) Enfin, le web invisible ou web profond, pour rГ©sumer on ne sait pas tout ce que c'est puisque par dГ©finition le contenu est difficilement accessible et que par ailleurs les moteurs de recherche n'ont pas forcГ©ment tendance Г communiquer sur ce qu'ils n'inexent pas. Je me permets aussi de rester sceptique sur toute Г©valuation de taille du web visible et invisible... DГ©jГ la taille du web visible n'est pas simple Г estimer....alors du web invisible...je ne suis pas Madame Irma. [img]http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Actulligence?i=XsKoN[/img]</img> [img]http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Actulligence?i=uylmN[/img]</img> [img]http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Actulligence?i=vB76N[/img]</img> [img]http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Actulligence?i=GuYHn[/img]</img> [img]http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Actulligence?i=II5UN[/img]</img> Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Очередные дайджесты СМИ
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it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Запущена система экспресс-заказа
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Cipher Competitive Intelligence Firm Appoints Business Director for Its Chemicals Research Services Division (Centre Daily Times)
it2b [Bot] > Karen: PNC’s Christmas Price Index “The seven swans a-swimming proved to be a driver of this year’s index, carrying the greatest weight with a whopping 33.3 percent increase due to their scarcity. True Loves will spend $5,600 this year for Swans compared with $4,200 in 2007…. An interactive chart allows researches to view the total CPI as well as individual items over the years. More detailed and historical information is available including a spreadsheet containing data going back to 1984. Christmas Price Index Interactive Chart For True Loves who prefer to shop over the Internet, PNC Wealth Management calculates that they will pay a grand total of $31,957 , almost $11,000 more than in the traditional index. According to Dunigan: “In general, Internet prices are higher than their non-Internet counterparts because of shipping costs for birds and the convenience factor of shopping online” PNC Wealth Management also tabulates the True Cost of Christmas, which is the total cost of items gifted by a True Love who repeats all of the song’s verses. This holiday season, True Loves will pay more than ever before - $86,609 - for all 364 items, up 10.9 per cent from $78,100 in 2007. Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Wordpress: When the wind of competitive intelligence blows in Africa
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research About 90 percent of all email is spam: Cisco
it2b [Bot] > IC en Argentina: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertConferencias y Libros de Inteligencia Competitiva
it2b [Bot] > Intelligence Toolbox: Lifespan of German Utility Model
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertHackers help loggers illegally strip trees from the Amazon
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research Hackers help loggers illegally strip trees from the Amazon
it2b [Bot] > Asset Search: Financial Discovery & Foreign Bank Secrecy Laws
it2b [Bot] > Intelligence Toolbox: Israel Patent Office Database
it2b [Bot] > Karen: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertChipwrapper introduces time-slices
it2b [Bot] > l'intelléconomique: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertLa culture plus dГ©terminante que la technique
Е.Л. Ющук > ЖЖ Е.Л.Ющука: Серьезный шаг в поиске по изображениям
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Заработал новый сайт "Р-Техно"
it2b [Bot] > Wordpress: How many pageviews do news-oriented web sites need?
Here’s a bit of a problem that I have with these numbers. If you go to Google Ad Planner and take a look at the numbers for the New York Times, this is what you get: 490 million pageviews in a 30-day period. [img]http://idaconcpts.wordpress.com/files/2008/12/new-york-times-traffic.jpg?w=300[/img]Google Ad Planner shows web metrics of the NYTimes.com. I might sound a bit picky but I wish there was more consistency in reporting a web metric such as pageviews. As a web analytics consultant, if I was to try to understand how to increase traffic at NYTimes.com, I would start by taking a look at the trends in daily unique visitors as to segment (or slice like a ninja, as Avinash Kaushik would say) the audience into customer experiences. Given that I am cheap, I try to work with free data as much as possible, so free tools such as Google Trends and Google Ad Planner are my best friends. Going back to the cited article, contentNext mentions that for news-oriented online operations, the bar needs to be set really high at more than 1 billion pageviews. Yahoo! and AOL are cited as examples. Let’s take a macro view of the audience demographics of Yahoo!, AOL and NYtimes.com. My conclusion is that NYTimes.com should target more its female readers (notice how Yahoo! and AOL have a bigger percentage of female visitors) and its younger readers (notice how Yahoo! and AOL have a high number of visitors on the under 18 category, that is the first bar on the age graph). This is just a general suggestion, but it’s a start. Besides, it’s free advice, unless of course they would like to hire a new web analytics expert. : ) <h1 style="text-align:center;">What do you think?</h1> Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Wordpress: How many pageviews do news-oriented web sites need?
Here’s a bit of a problem that I have with these numbers. If you go to Google Ad Planner and take a look at the numbers for the New York Times, this is what you get: 490 million pageviews in a 30-day period. [img]http://idaconcpts.wordpress.com/files/2008/12/new-york-times-traffic.jpg?w=300[/img]Google Ad Planner shows web metrics of the NYTimes.com. I might sound a bit picky but I wish there was more consistency in reporting a web metric such as pageviews. As a web analytics consultant, if I was to try to understand how to increase traffic at NYTimes.com, I would start by taking a look at the trends in daily unique visitors as to segment (or slice like a ninja, as Avinash Kaushik would say) the audience into customer experiences. Given that I am cheap, I try to work with free data as much as possible, so free tools such as Google Trends and Google Ad Planner are my best friends. Going back to the cited article, contentNext mentions that for news-oriented online operations, the bar needs to be set really high at more than 1 billion pageviews. Yahoo! and AOL are cited as examples. Let’s take a macro view of the audience demographics of Yahoo!, AOL and NYtimes.com. My conclusion is that NYTimes.com should target more its female readers (notice how Yahoo! and AOL have a bigger percentage of female visitors) and its younger readers (notice how Yahoo! and AOL have a high number of visitors on the under 18 category, that is the first bar on the age graph). This is just a general suggestion, but it’s a start. Besides, it’s free advice, unless of course they would like to hire a new web analytics expert. : ) <h1 style="text-align:center;">What do you think?</h1> Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research Personalized spam rising sharply, study finds
it2b [Bot] > R-Techno: В сети ищут справедливость
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Ищем справдливости в ФАС
it2b [Bot] > Karen: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertLatest Tales from the Terminal Room out now
it2b [Bot] > R-Techno: Евгений Тушкин: Кризис - лучшее время для мобилизации
it2b [Bot] > R-Techno: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertОбновлен сайт Р-Техно
it2b [Bot] > CI Marketplace: Webinar: Next Generation CI Deliverables
it2b [Bot] > CI Marketplace: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertOutward Insights: Coping Mechanisms for Future Uncertainty
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Top Greeting Card Company Receives Computerworld Award for Customer Intelligence using Teradata Technology (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Top Greeting Card Company Receives Computerworld Award for Customer Intelligence using Teradata Technology (Centre Daily Times)
it2b [Bot] > l'intelléconomique: Q&A with Wayne Rosenkrans, Distinguished Fellow at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and newly appointed Fuld & Company strategic gaming expertLa culture plus dГ©terminante que la technique
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: D2L Pharma forays into training, to offer course in Pharmaceutical Business Intelligence (PharmaBiz)
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research Does Big Pharma Know How to Play (a Strategic Game)? An Interview with Wayne RosenkransCybercrime: The 2009 megathreat
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research Cybercrime: The 2009 megathreat
it2b [Bot] > R-Techno: Does Big Pharma Know How to Play (a Strategic Game)? An Interview with Wayne RosenkransСпешал For ЧК
Борис1602 > Из жизни кротов
it2b [Bot] > CI Marketplace: Does Big Pharma Know How to Play (a Strategic Game)? An Interview with Wayne RosenkransWebinar: Industry Thought Leaders
it2b [Bot] > Karen: Online 2008 presentations available Pre-conference workshop, 1st December 2008: Making Web 2.0 Work Wednesday 3rd December, 11.15-11.45, Gallery Rooms Competitive Intelligence: Can Free Sources do the Biz? Slideshare Wednesday 3rd December, 13:45-14:15, Theatre C Impact of Web 2.0 on Search Slideshare Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Newsweek: Debate over Obama's intel czar (MSNBC)
it2b [Bot] > Karen: Does Big Pharma Know How to Play (a Strategic Game)? An Interview with Wayne RosenkransTrack down lost bank accounts
it2b [Bot] > Wordpress: New Ways of Knowing 2.0
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Financial Time Bombs (New York Times)
it2b [Bot] > Asset Search: Asset Search News Roundup: December 21, 2008
Copyright 2008 Fred L. Abrams [img]http://feeds.lexblog.com/~r/AssetSearchBlog/~4/491866163[/img] Читать дальше
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: DSPanel's Performance Canvas One of the First BI Tools to Achieve SAP® Certified Integration with SAP NetWeaver® for ... (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Dorado Software Announces Redcell Systems Commander For Automated Management Of Virtualized Environments (DataStorage-DataStorageConnection)
it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: DSPanel's Performance Canvas One of the First BI Tools to Achieve SAP® Certified Integration with SAP NetWeaver® for ... (PRWeb)
it2b [Bot] > Р-Техно: Черные списки лиц причастные к отмыванию преступных доходов и финансированию терроризма
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it2b [Bot] > Yahoo: Fujitsu First To Integrate Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Software Across Entire Document Imaging Scanner Line (EnterpriseContentManagementConnection-ECM)
Е.Л. Ющук > ЖЖ Е.Л.Ющука: UnChrome - программа, отучающая Google Chrome шпионить
Е.Л. Ющук > ЖЖ Е.Л.Ющука: Кейс. Изучайте легально доступную техническую документацию конкурентов.
it2b [Bot] > Wordpress: 2 + 2 = 10
it2b [Bot] > Crime-research Does Big Pharma Know How to Play (a Strategic Game)? An Interview with Wayne RosenkransChinese lawmakers consider tough penalties on hackers
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Игрушка для аналитиков, экономистов, статистов и юристов. Конвертер.
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse?
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Pinn's Cartoon World: FT
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Завалить страны BRIC – стратегическая цель
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Пробить компанию на регистрацию и текущий статус: Гонконг
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Pinn's Cartoon World: FT
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Часть потоков мирового капитала: sovereign wealth funds
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Поиск патентной информации esp@cenet
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Пробить компанию на регистрацию и текущий статус: ЮАР
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Перечень американских компаний, получивших bailouts: Часть 2
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Search the world's GeoData
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Проверка статуса брокера, брокерской фирмы: США
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Источники финансирования президентского фонда Clinton Foundation
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Pinn's Cartoon World: FT
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Pinn's Cartoon World: FT
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Перечень американских компаний, получивших bailouts
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Архив базовых спецификаций
it2b [Bot] > CAA: Схема работы МВФ и Всемирного Банка
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it2b [Bot] > CAA: Pinn's Cartoon World: FT |
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