Audi Navigation RNS-E West Europe DVD9 2010 MULTiLANGUAGE | 4.59GB
This product contains 1 DVD the navigation data for the following Countries:Germany, Austria, Andorra, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxenbourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Switzerland, Vatican City.
Opera 10.50.3172 PreAlpha Portable. Size (RAR): 8.73 Mb 2% recovery record
Opera is a super fast Web browser. Designed to make your life easier! Why Opera? Safe, secure, powerful and fully customizable, the Opera Web browser is faster and more secure than other browsers available on the market. Opera delivers robust security and a far-richer feature set than any other Web browser and it's free. Opera is the Web pioneer that delivered tabbed browsing, features lots of other great tricks for quick navigation, including Speed Dial, a quick way to put all of your favorite daily sites at your fingertips. You can also take, save and trade Notes attached to any Web site while browsing, or Create Search shortcuts from any search field on the Web. Opera is super fast and free, secure and stable, and offers lots of great tools for Web Developers.
Music from 27,000+ Internet radio stations and 70+ music genres! Wondershare Radio Recorder searches online radio stations all over the world to realize every music fans’ dreams. Wondershare Radio Recorder is mainly used to record from popular social music platforms and audio streams on the Internet and save the recordings in MP3 format on your hard disk.In addition, this application is based on the shoutcast protocol, grabbing MP3 data directly from servers, therefore the output quality is guaranteed.
Final Uninstaller offers a new and better way to make your PC run more efficiently by cleaning up files and registry entries that were left after unsuccessful uninstallation. The program is based on a powerful leftovers database to support many functions of thoroughly scanning your computer, intelligently detecting leftover files of various programs, clearly listing applications that can be removed and completely uninstalling with only one click… This easy-to-use Final Uninstaller allows you to say goodbye to nerve-wracking leftovers and to speed up you PC performance.
Описание программы: Circle Dock - актуальная версия уникальной и эффективной панели быстрого запуска для программ, файлов и папок (и вообще всего, что можно запустить), которой можно придать форму спирали или круга. Утилита имеет богатые настройки, красивую анимацию, совместима с иконками и скинами других программ.
Business Week - 15 March 2010 PDF | 77 pages | 32.8 Mb | English
Each issue of BusinessWeek features in-depth perspectives on the financial markets, industries, trends, technology and people guiding the economy. Draw upon Business Week's timely incisive analysis to help you make better decisions about your career, your business, and your personal investments.
Install without cdkey. Windows Small Business Server 2008 is an all-in-one server solution designed to help you keep your data more secure and your company more productive. It provides many of the features used by larger companies, such as e-mail, Internet connectivity, internal Web sites, remote access, support for mobile devices, file and printer sharing, backup, and restore—all at one affordable price.
Are you a DJ or a home-user looking for the most efficient way to catalog your music collection? Look no further... Music Label 2009 is the answer to your problems. Since its initial release in 1994, Music Label lets you catalog your music collection(s) with ease. With powerful CDDB2 support, there is no need to manually type in data... Simply insert the CD and Music Label will do the rest. It can also scan your drives for digital music files.C|Net describes Music Label as "the Holy Grail for serious record collectors". All information about your music is downloaded from the Internet. Music Label use CDDB2 which means a wide variety of data is downloaded (including cover art). Sorting your database is as easy as clicking a button.
When you search, the results are displayed as you type. Advanced sort and search in several levels is also available. Make sure you never lose a CD again by easy-to-use loan management. Printing and exporting your data is only one mouse-click away. The Professional Edition also enables you to create your own reports (or edit the existing ones). You can can create any number of databases and keep them separate. Music Label is built on a solid client/server database which means your collection can grow to virtually any size.
? Catalog Your Collection Automatically All information about your music is downloaded from the Internet. Music Label use CDDB2 which means a wide variety of data is downloaded (including cover art).
? One-Click Sort & Search Sorting your database is as easy as clicking a button. When you search, the results are displayed as you type. Advanced sort and search in several levels is also available.
? Keep Track of Loans Make sure you never lose a CD again by easy-to-use loan management.
? Print Reports and Export Your Data Printing and exporting your data is only one mouse-click away. The Professional Edition also enables you to create your own reports (or edit the existing ones).
? Manage Multiple Collections You can can create any number of databases and keep them separate.
? The Most Reliable Solution Music Label is built on a solid client/server database which means your collection can grow to virtually any size.
Benefits: ∙ Save time - no typing required. ∙ Save money - never buy duplicates. ∙ Save more money - never lose a CD on loan. ∙ Know where your music is located at all times. ∙ Finding those golden oldies becomes a breeze. ∙ Get the full picture with statistics and reports.
Features: ∙ Available in several different languages. ∙ Catalog any media (CD, MP3, vinyl, etc..). ∙ Easy yet powerful search and sort. ∙ Export your collection to Excel, XML, HTML, etc. ∙ Transfer files to your portable MP3 player. ∙ Keep track of loans and wanted items. ∙ Find duplicates in your MP3 collection (to save disk space). ∙ Auto-catalog your home made CDs using CD-Text.