Registry Winner™ is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system speed. Various annoying problems will gradually appear like slow speed, crashing or freezing, blue screen, deadlock, error messages etc. after your computer being used for a period of time.
James Earl Jones narrates this US version of the 96-minute documentary film which follows families of arctic polar bears, African elephants, and humpback whales for an entire year. The film tracks the animals’ migrations across the globe and through some of the harshest terrains and climates on earth, pointing out in a factual and remarkably non-political way the negative effects of global warming and habitat destruction on these animals and the planet as a whole.
Amateur Photographer - 28 March 2009 PDF | 101 pages | 47.8 Mb | English
Amateur Photographer is the world's oldest weekly magazine for photography enthusiasts. With its unique weekly format, it is the first for news and digital and film equipment tests. Regular features on reader portfolios, darkroom, digital, black & white and photographer profiles ensure all areas of photography are covered.
Thom Holmes The First Vertebrates: Oceans of the Paleozoic Era (The Prehistoric Earth) Chelsea House Publications | 2008 | ISBN: 0816059586 | 188 pages | PDF | 7,3 MB
Vertebrates are the most familiar of all animals on Earth, with humans being but one of about 45,000 species of living vertebrates. The rise of the first vertebrates is synonymous with the Paleozoic Era, a span of increasing ecological complexity where the first explosion of life occurred in the seas. In this fully illustrated volume, "The First Vertebrates" examines the dramatic rise of vertebrate life in the Paleozoic seas with the development of early fish, including jawless fish, fish with teeth and jaws, early sharks and other cartilaginous fish, and bony fish, the ancestors of present-day fish species.
Have you ever lost your keys? Perhaps, yes. In such case you can usually create a duplicate or change the lock. But, what if you've lost your activation keys for Windows operating system or other major software you recently purchased? It may cost you from hundreds to thousands of dollars.
Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it. Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool это программа для лечения зараженного компьютера от вирусов, троянских и шпионских программ, а также от любого другого вредоносного ПО. В своей работе Kaspersky® Virus Removal Tool использует эффективные алгоритмы обнаружения вредоносных программ из арсенала Антивируса Касперского® и AVZ.